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A-Z Index and Glossary

7 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X
  • PRD

    Presidential Review Directive

  • Pre-Proposal

    A preliminary project description submitted to a sponsor; the sponsor selects some pre-proposals for submission of full proposals. Note: the eResearch system will ask whether you are preparing a preproposal (PRE) or a full proposal (PAF). Please select carefully. They cannot be switched later. The numbering and routing are different. For guidance on when to PRE vs PAF, see the Standard Operating Procedure 100.1.

  • Principal Investigator (PI) Responsibilities

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  • Principal Investigator and Sponsor Principal Investigator

    The Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD), Participating Investigators, Senior/Key personnel (as identified by the institution in a proposal or sponsor report), and any other individual identified by the PI/PD as responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research (i.e., not simply working on or engaged in the project). This includes administrative and programmatic aspect sof a project.

    There is also a Sponsor PI.  If an employee or student of the University of Michigan does meet the eligibility requirements for the sponsor but not for the requirements of U-M, they are named on applications as Sponsor PI (e.g., students or fellows). See: Definition of Principal Investigator

  • PROG

    Peer Review Oversight Group

  • Project Administration

  • Project Period

    The period of time for which the programmatic work occurs. A project period may contain more than one budget period. For example, a project period may be 22-months and consist of two budget periods of 12- and 10-months.

  • Proposal

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    The written description of a project that is presented to a sponsor. A federal proposal includes cost estimates, subject to the provisions of federal cost accounting standards.

    All proposals that will result in funding for sponsored projects if accepted, require review and coordination through ORSP, utilizing a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) in eRPM and other administrative details, in addition to a statement of work.

    Formal proposals are prepared and submitted to a potential sponsor and outline the scope of activities to be undertaken in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) or other requests from a potential sponsor (e.g. RFQ). Informal discussion may also result in the submission of a written proposal to be evaluated by the external organization before a commitment is made to provide funds to support the program or project envisioned.
    Unsolicited proposal may be submitted to a potential source of external funds, which then would be reviewed and acted upon much in the same manner as a formal proposal.

    Gift solicitation may describe a general area or program to be supported by the requested funds, but do not take the form of a proposal (that is, gift solicitations do not include a description of the scope of activities or a statement of work to be undertaken). If directed toward a sponsored project, a gift solicitation is considered a proposal.

  • PRS

    Primary Research Staff

  • PSC

    Personal Service Contract. 

  • PT

    Project Team

  • PTO

    Patent and Trademark Office

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  • Publication Restrictions

    Sometimes a sponsor requests a publication restriction -- such as a delay (of more than 180 days), or the sponsor may request their prior approval of a research publication. Such requests are counter to our principle of open scholarly exchange and openness in research.
    Therefore, such restrictions must be approved by the vice president for research via an Agreement Acceptance Request (AAR) using a Publication Restriction Project Team Impact Form.  

    General AAR Inquiries: Contact the ORSP project representative assigned to your school/college/unit/department.
    Troubleshooting AAR Routing via eRPM:
    - - Agreement Acceptance (U-M ITS Website)
    - - AAR Status Map (U-M ITS Website)
    Tracking OVPR/UMOR Status on Publication Restriction:
