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Submit Content for The RAP/RAPid Newsletters

Do you have content to be considered for The Research Administration Post (RAP) or a more urgent RAPid (for "immediate dispatch")? Submit ideas as often as you have them. Each will be reviewed. Thank you!

RAPid Research Administration Post Immediate Dispatch - Community Alert



Article Ideas for The RAP/RAPid

When do you send The Research Administration Post?

We send The RAP monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month.

Who receives The Research Administration Post (or The RAP)?

About 3,500 to 4,000 members of the U-M-sponsored research administration community (both units and central offices) and the public have opted in to receive communications. To receive RAPid new items on Navigate training, eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system updates, or Research Administrators' Network (RAN meetings), you must opt-in for those communications.

What content does The RAP include?

U-M Business & News Updates

The RAP covers policy and process updates from U-M or its central offices primarily ORSP within the Office of the Vice President Research, or from Sponsored Programs, within U-M Business & Finance. 

Sponsor & System Updates
Any news about any agencies, sponsors, or sponsor policy changes, e.g., NSF, NIH, Grants. gov, and more. News about eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system. 

Events & Professional Development
e.g., RAN, NCURA, SRA, NORDP, CRA, and aiM Higher

Networking and Connections
Any features about networking events, community, or staff members or teams you think deserve recognition. We also share details on Slack.

How can I submit content for consideration? What is your deadline?

For general news, events, or sponsor updates, please send to for consideration. Routine updates will be considered for placement in The RAP (now published monthly) or via a RAPid announcement.

Not every news item is shared, but we will review it based on our audience's interests and information needs.

We prefer 2-4 weeks notice. Contact We can accomodate some urgent requests with The RAPid (Research Administration Post - Immediate Dispatch) to publish "just-in-time" information. Provide about 50-70 words, 2-3 sentences, a recommended image, a link to learn more, and a contact for questions to

How can I learn about sponsored research funding opportunities?

Funding Opportunities are handled by the U-M Office of Research and published in the Research Blueprint newsletter. If you know of a funding opportunity you would like to promote, please send to


For questions regarding The RAP or related research communications, please contact Constance Colthorp ( or 647-4587) with any questions.