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Research Administrators' Toolkit

The RA Toolkit is a collection of quick links resources to help navigate the university and support the complex business work of U-M research administrators. These pages are available throughout the website, organized by lifecycle. This page highlights some of the key resources under different headings.

Managing the business aspects of research takes a team of experts. The process of finding funding, developing effective proposals, gathering approvals, managing an awarded project, and closing it out in a manner that meets the financial and compliance requirements of both the sponsor and the university, requires keen business acumen and expertise.

Research administrators help ensure business processes and compliance requirements are met, allowing faculty researchers to focus on the science and research.

Subject Listing

Data and Reporting Resources

Expenses and Budgeting

Forms & Templates & Policies

Find People / Lookup Information

Professional Development & Training

Rates & Frequently Required Institutional Information

Other U-M Research-Related Newsletters


Travel and Business Hosting Expense Policy (U-M SPG 507.10-1)

Compliance & Policies

Lifecycle Resources

Additional Resources

References and Resources


If you have a link or resource you'd like to recommend for inclusion in the RA Toolkit, please reach out to ORSP Communications (