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Openness in Research

Request for Approval of Publication Restrictions

  Download Publication Restrictions Project Team Impact Form and prepare according to instructions on this page. Route to ORSP via the AAR process in eRPM.

If you have OVPR/UMOR status questions on tracking an already-submitted Publication Restriction Project Team Impact Form, please contact: 
[email protected].

As a public institution, the University of Michigan's (U-M's) mission is to generate and disseminate knowledge in the public interest for open scholarly exchange and academic freedom. 

What is Openness in Research?

The principles of open scholarly exchange and academic freedom are integral to U-M's mission. These principles are referred to as "Openness in Research" and are set forth by the Regents' policy, under the Standard Practice Guide (SPG 303.01). It ensures (in part) that U-M:

Publication presenting research, scholarship, ideas, discoveries, health, science, and technology

  • reserves the right to publish and disseminate information resulting from sponsored research;
  • can maintain the confidentiality of the sponsor’s confidential information, when necessary;
  • does not conduct research that restricts the freedom to disclose the existence of the agreement.

(Note that the Regents’ policy does not apply to "Other Sponsored Activity.")

What are Publication Restrictions?

Sometimes a sponsor requests a publication restriction -- such as a delay (of more than 180 days), or the sponsor may request for prior approval of a research publication. When such a restriction is requested, it is counter to our principle of open scholarly exchange and openness in research. . Therefore, it must be approved by the Vice President for Research via an Agreement Acceptance Request (AAR)

What Are the Steps Needed to Address these Restrictions?

Publication Restriction - Project Team Impact Template

Publication restrictions are approved on a case-by-case basis using the AAR request via the eResearch Proposal Management System (eRPM). 

The basic steps for completing an AAR for a publication restriction are:

  1. An ORSP Project Representative initiates the AAR in eRPM. The AAR then appears in the Project Team’s eRPM work queue.
  2. The Project Team/PI completes and uploads to the AAR a Publication Restrictions - Project Team Impact template
  3. The PI, Department Chair and Dean (or Research Associate Dean) approve or decline the AAR, in that order. If a delegate of the Chair or Dean (or Research Associate Dean) approves the AAR, the delegate must provide evidence of the Chair or Dean's (or Research Associate Dean's) approval (typically as an uploaded document.)
  4. ORSP reviews the AAR and forwards it to the U-M Office of Research.
  5. The Vice President for Research (or his/her delegate) gives final approval of the publication restriction.

ORSP project representatives will provide input and advice in the preparation of an AAR.

References and Resources


General AAR Inquiries: Contact the ORSP project representative assigned to your school/college/unit/department.
Troubleshooting AAR Routing via eRPM:
- - Agreement Acceptance (U-M ITS Website)
- - AAR Status Map (U-M ITS Website)
Tracking OVPR/UMOR Status on Publication Restriction: [email protected]