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Transfer and Disposition of Research Equipment
Section 520.1 of the Standard Practice Guide deals with the transfer of research property purchased with funds from grants and contracts.
The University will approve and initiate a transfer of equipment, the title to which rests with the University:
- If the grant from which the equipment was purchased is being transferred to the new institution, and
- If the Department Chair or Research Unit Director indicates that the equipment is no longer needed by the department/unit, and
- If the new institution is willing to accept the equipment.
However, if the grant from which the equipment was purchased has either terminated or is not being transferred to the new institution, then the University will not release the equipment without appropriate compensation (as determined by Property Disposition).
Similarly, if local funds were commingled with sponsor funds for the initial purchase, partial compensation to the University will be necessary. In any case, the fundamental consideration is that the equipment will not be required for research continuing under the direction of others in the unit. This determination is typically made by the Department Chair or Unit Director.
References and Resources
- For information on transferring title to equipment see the Property Disposition website or contact Mark Comstock [email protected] (764-6251), Manager of the Property Control Office.
- For budgetary information, codes, or closeout, visit the Finance website's Equipment page.