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How to Answer eResearch PAF Question 1.2 - Purpose for Routing PAF
This page will help you understand how to answer question 1.2 on the eResearch Proposal Approval Form (PAF).
The eResearch Proposal Approval Form (PAF) has a required Question 1.2 that relates to the purpose of routing a Proposal Approval Form (PAF).
Guidance and Decision Tree
A PAF is routed in support of a proposal, contract, or an existing award (AWD).
Within the context of this webpage, a Proposal is a formal funding request submitted to a sponsor in response to a competitive opportunity, often by a specific deadline date, that undergoes merit review before the sponsor decides whether to fund the project described in the proposal.
A PAF might accompany a Proposal that has yet to be submitted to the sponsor, or one that was already submitted to the sponsor without proper U-M approvals (i.e. the PAF is routing after-the-fact). If a formal proposal in response to a competitive solicitation has been submitted without proper U-M approvals, the PAF purpose is still Proposal even if the sponsor has already agreed to fund the project and provided a check, notice of award, contract, purchase order, or requested U-M draft a contract for negotiation.
If there has been no formal proposal to the sponsor as described above, and the sponsor has provided a contract for U-M to review, asked U-M to draft a contract for negotiation, or provided another type of funding agreement such as a purchase order, then the PAF purpose is "Contract."
If a PAF is required to increase funding on an existing award and is not for a new supplement application, enter the related AWD ID in PAF question 1.5, If Renewal/Continuation or Supplemental Request, and select “Subsequent PAF” as the PAF purpose. Please note that subsequent PAFs for awarded contracts, like membership agreements, should be identified as “Contract.”
Use the decision tree below to determine whether "Proposal," "Contract" or “Subsequent PAF” is the appropriate answer: