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Tips and Reminders for NIH Annual RPPRs
To ensure timely review and submission of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) annual Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) and avoid common mistakes, the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) shares these reminders.
Process to Expect for an NIH Annual RPPR
1. ORSP will provide instructions to the principal investigator (PI) and research administrator (RA) via posted comment on the award record (AWD) 45-60 days before the deadline, indicating who the RPPR should be routed to in eRA Commons and the eResearch Proposal Management System (eRPM).
2. Route RPPRs two weeks before the sponsor due date. This ensures time for the necessary back-and-forth edits, questions, and answers.
3. It's imperative that project teams route to the person specified in ORSP's instructions from the posted comment. Those individuals in ORSP who review and submit NIH annual RPPRs are:
- Zach Brady
- Ashley Kissell
- Patti Williams
- Dawn Curry (backup)
- Tracy Schwab (backup)
4. In eRA Commons, please route to the person specified in ORSP's instructions from the posted comment.
5. Then, post a comment in the Award record (AWD) to the person specified in ORSP's instructions.
* Please do not route NIH annual RPPRs via an Award Change Request (ACR). Only NIH interim and final RPPRs should be routed via an ACR.
Learn more about RPPRs in general.