The "Common Rule" is the popular term for the Federal (U.S.) Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, 45 CFR part 46, which outlines the criteria and mechanisms for IRB review of human subjects research.
- Decision Trees: Exempt Human Subjects Research Decision trees displaying the criteria and potential review paths, including system generated determination, for exempt categories 1 - 4, 7 & 8 under the 2018 Common Rule.
- Tip Sheet: Exemption #1 Provides the full definition and explanation of exemption category #1 (educational exemption) under the 2018 Common Rule, including examples of the types of studies that qualify/do not qualify for this exemption.
- Tip Sheet: Exemption #2 Provides the full definition and explanation of exemption category #2 (surveys, interviews, educational tests, and observations of public behavior exemption) under the 2018 Common Rule, including examples of the types of studies that qualify/do not qualify for this exemption.
- Tip Sheet: Exemption #3 Provides the full definition and explanation of exemption category #3 (benign behavioral intervention) under the 2018 Common Rule, including examples of the types of studies that qualify/do not qualify for this exemption.