A conflict of interest (COI) in research is when a U-M investigator's personal, professional, commercial, or financial interests or activities outside the University have the potential of biasing the nature or direction of scholarly research, influencing decisions or behaviors related to their institutional responsibilities, or resulting in a personal or family member's gain or advancement at the expense of the University.
- 4 Key Steps to Disclose in M-Inform Describes and illustrates the four key actions disclosers need to do within M-Inform to successfully submit their outside activity disclosures. (PDF) Last updated: 03/07/2024
- COI in Research Policy Effective July 1, 2021 The "COI in Research" policy is the U-M policy that outlines the outside interest disclosure requirements and COI review processes for the Identification and Managment of Conflicts of Interest in Research, Sponsored Projects, and Technology Transfer.
- Maintaining Department Information in M-Inform Instructions to assign M-Inform roles (e.g., unit reviewers of outside activities disclosures for the unit, division, department, or an individual) and send M-Inform reminder emails to disclose to individuals. (ITS) Last Updated: 06/29/20.
- NIH Conflict of Interest resources page Public Health Service (PHS) regulations, which apply to the National Institute of Health (NIH)C and other PHS agencies
- NSF COI Policy
- Policy for Institutional Conflicts of Interest in Research Office of the President policy outlining the criteria and processes for the identification, review, and management of conflicts of interest arising when U-M, as an institution, has financial interests that may affect or appear to affect the design, conduct, reporting, review, or oversight of research. Revised October 2020 - all sections in effect except for Section 3.C.2, which will be effective as of February 1, 2021.
- Prepare/Update a Disclosure for Another in M-Inform M-Inform instructions for proxies (i.e., unit assistants) to data enter outside activity disclosures for another U-M discloser. (ITS) Last updated: 06/13/23.
- Respond to a COI Management Plan (for conflicted individual) M-Inform instructions to access and respond to (i.e., accept) a Management Plan for a COI situation.
- Review an Outside Interest Disclosure in M-Inform M-Inform instructions to review outside activity disclosures on behalf of the discloser's U-M unit, division, or department. (ITS) Last Updated: 04/12/23.
- Review and Respond to a COI Management Plan (for ombudsperson, monitor, etc.) M-Inform instructions to view and respond to the COI Management Plan as an individual with an oversight role in the unit for the conflict situtation.
- Sample M-Inform System Email to Disclosers Sample (Word) of the system email sent from M-Inform to those at U-M required to disclose per unit procedures or PHS regulations.
- Start-Up Tipsheet for U-M Employees Approval and disclosure tips for U-M employees thinking of starting or joining a start-up company. (PDF) Last updated 04/10/2023
- Submit an Outside Interest Disclosure in M-Inform Instructions to add a new oustide activity disclosure to M-Inform, edit previous disclosures, remove outside activity disclosures, and restore previously inactive outside activity disclosures. (ITS) Last Updated: 06/22/23.
- Submit Feedback to COI Office Instructions to submit additional feedback and information to a COI Office regarding an outside interest disclosure when the COI Office has identified a potential conflict of interest.
- Submit Information for a Research Initiated Certification Instructions for a discloser to answer a series of follow-up questions regarding an outside interest disclosure from a COI Office using M-Inform.
- Submit Information for the Annual Review of your COI Management Plan (for conflicted individual) M-Inform instructions to access, answer, and submit the Annual Review questionnaire for a conflict of interest situation.
- Submit the Annual Review Response for a COI Management Plan (for ombudsperson, monitor, etc. M-Inform instructions for individuals in an oversight role (e.g., ombudsperson) to access, answer, and submit the Annual Review of a conflict of interest situation.
- The Michigan Conflict of Interest Statute (Public Act 317 of 1968)
- U-M Reviewers: Points to Consider [PDF] U-M guidelines and tips for those who review outside interest disclosures for their unit. Last updated: 05/24/2022.
- U-M Standard Practice Guide (SPG) - 201.65-1
- Unit COI/COC Plans Unit plans (e.g., LSA, Engineering, UMOR) for Faculty & Staff, posted to Provost web site.
- Update Your Company Profile in M-Inform Instructions to enter information about your start-up company in M-Inform. This information is required for the conflict of interest review at U-M when someone options, licenses, distributes, or commercializes intellectual property developed at the university.