A Single IRB (sIRB) is the IRB-of-Record, selected on a study-by-study basis, which provides the ethical review for all sites participating in a multi-site, collaborative human subjects study. Common Rule agencies/funding sponsors (e.g., NIH) require an sIRB for domestic multi-site, collaborative studies.
- Collaborative Research: IRB-HSBS sIRB Process
- External sIRB Fee Schedule Depicts a sample budget worksheet outlining the fees for services that may be charged by an external (e.g., commercial) institutional review board (IRB) when that IRB is serving as the single IRB-of-record (sIRB) for a multi-site non-exempt human subjects project.
- IRB Authorization Request - U-M as a Relying IRB IRB-HSBS form to request establishing IRB authorization agreements for multi-site, collaborative projects where U-M will cede oversight to an external sIRB and be a relying institution for the project. Last updated 05/05/2020.
- IRBMED webpage: sIRB and Multi-site Research (MSR) Guidance
- Lead PI/Study Team Guidance and Checklist IRB-HSBS checklist of actions the U-M PI/study team needs to complete to establish and manage a multi-site, collaborative project where U-M will be the IRB-of-Record (sIRB). Last updated 04/02/2020.
- Relying on an External IRB - FAQs FAQs for U-M study teams ceding IRB review to an external IRB. Last updated: 04/23/2020.
- Reviewing IRB Instructions to Relying Sites IRB-HSBS guidance and template for relying sites and study teams engaged in a multi-site collaborative project where U-M is the single IRB-of-Record (sIRB). Last updated: 04/02/20.
- Single IRB Review Core - Features and Guidelines (MiCORES) Overview of the sIRB Core tabs and features, including MiCORES account set-up details. Last updated: 02/04/2021
- sIRB Communication Plan Template IRB-HSBS template, based on the SMART IRB model, to develop the communication plan required for multi-site projects with three or more engaged external sites. Last updated 04/23/2020.
- UMICH Single IRB Review Core (MiCORES login) Link to go to the sIRB Core upon authentication to MiCORES (UMICH login required)