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RAP / RAPid Newsletter Archives

Following are archived issues of The RAP (Research Administration Post) and RAPid (RAP-Immediate Dispatch).

March 2025 Updates

  1. eRPM NIH NOFOs Update 03/10/2025)

February 2025 Updates

  1. eRPM RAPid Update (02/03/2025)
  2. Changes to NIH No-Cost Extension Process RAPid (02/06/2025)
  3. Update on No-Cost Extension Process (02/13/2025)
  4. The RAP - February 2025 (02/14/2025)
  5. eRPM February 2025 Update (02/24/2025)

January 2025 Updates

  1. The RAP - January 2025 (01/15/2025)
  2. Navigate RAPid - January 2025 (01/29/2025)

December 2024 Updates

  1. RAPid update - ORSP Realignment - Team Formation Progress (12/3/2024)
  2. RAPid update - SF 424 (12/23/2024)

November 2024 Updates

  1. RAPid eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (11/25/2024)
  2. November 2024 RAP (11/21/2024)
  3. Navigate November and December Webinars (11/19/2024)

September/October 2024 Updates

  1. Mandatory Multifactor Authentication eff. 10/27 (10/24/2024)
  2. September/October 2024 RAP (10/7/2024)

August 2024 Updates

  1. Reminder for RAN on National Research Administrator Day (8/30)
  2. The RAP - July/August 2024 (8/15/2024)
  3. RAN - RSVP for the September RAN Meeting (8/14/2024)
  4. Navigate Training - Announcing Initial Fall 2024 Offerings (8/5/2024)

July 2024 Updates

  1. eRPM Update (7/26/2024)

June 2024 Updates

  1. The RAP - June 2024 (06/10/2024)
  2. RAPid - June 17 eRPM Release  (6/17/2024)
    1. SF424 “Read” Access Expanded
    2. Research Security Terms Review
    3. Enhancements toward ORSP Realignment 
    4. General Updates
    5. Reminder for July

May 2024 Updates

  1. RAN Meeting Materials Now Available (05/24/2024)
  2. RAN is May 16, 2024, via Zoom with Emcee Meenu Baxendale (05/14/2024)
  3. May 2024 RAP (05/7/2024)

April 2024 Updates

  1. RAN is May 16, 2024, via Zoom with Emcee Meenu Baxendale (04/25/2024)

March 2024 Updates

  1. The RAP - March 2024 (3/29/2024)
  2. RAPid eRPM System Update (3/25/2024)
  3. RAN materials available (3/13/2024)

February 2024 Updates

  1. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Updates (2/19/2024) 
  2. The RAP - February 2024 (2/2024)

January 2024 Updates

  1. RAN - Save the Date and Zoom Registration (1/31/2024)
  2. Navigate Spring 2024 Offerings (1/31/2024)


December 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - December 2023 - U-M Research Administration News (12/21/2023)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (12/11/2023)

November 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - November 2023 - U-M Research Administration News (11/30/2023)

October 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - October 2023 - U-M Research Administration News (10/17/2023)
  2. RAN is October 24, 2023, via Zoom with Emcees Nick Prieur and Melissa Li (10/10/2023)
  3. Navigate Fall 2023 Webinar and Training Offerings (10/6/2023)
  4. RAMPing up for the Research Administration Mentoring Program (10/3/2023)
  5. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (10/2/2023)

September 2023 Updates

  1. NSF Requires SciENcv for Current & Pending (Other) Support Starting 10/23 (9/15/2023)
  2. Working with ORSP on the Loan Repayment Program (9/12/2023)
  3. Federal interim rule prohibiting TikTok on devices used in performance of federal contracts (9/6/2023)

August 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - August 2023 - U-M Research Administration News (08/17/2023)
  2. Announcing the Navigate Summer/Fall 2023 Virtual Offerings (08/02/2023)

July 2023 Updates

  1. Announcing the Navigate Summer/Fall 2023 Virtual Offerings (07/31/2023)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (07/24/2023)

June 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - June 2023 - U-M Research Administration News (06/20/2023)
  2. Virtual Networking for RAs - Tomorrow, April 19, 2023 (06/02/2023)
  3. RAN Meeting Materials Now Available (06/02/2023)

May 2023 Updates

  1. eRPM Updates + RAN Reminder (05/15/2023)
  2. RAN is May 17, 2023, via Zoom with Emcee Jennifer Huntington (05/03/2023)
  3. The RAP - May 2023 (05/01/2023)

April 2023 Updates

  1. Virtual Networking for RAs on April 19 - Register Now!

March 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - General News - March 2023 (03/27/2023)

February 2023 Updates

  1. RAPid - eResearch Proposal Management Update - Release 6.9 (2/27/20223)
  2. The RAP - General News - February 2023 (02/20/2023)

January 2023 Updates

  1. The RAP - General News - January 2023 (01/17/2023)


December 2022 Updates

  1. The RAP - General News - December 2022 (12/19/2022)
  2. Final call for FSRs - Due December 15 (12/15/2022)

November 2022 Updates

  1. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (11/28/2022)
  2. The RAP - General News - November 2022  (11/21/2022)

October 2022 Updates

  1. The RAP - General News - October 2022 (10/27/2022)
  2. RAN is October 27, 2022, via Zoom with Emcee Pat Turnbull (10/13/2022)
  3. Announcing the Navigate Fall 2022 Virtual Offerings (10/03/2022)

September 2022 Updates

  1. RAMPing up for the Research Administration Mentoring Program (09/28/2022)
  2. The RAP - General News - Fall 2022 (09/23/2022)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (09/12/2022)
  4. Farewell Celebration for Craig Reynolds on September 23, 2022 (09/06/2022)

August 2022 Updates

  1. How to work with ORSP on the NIH Loan Repayment Program (08/31/2022)
  2. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (08/26/2022)
  3. Upcoming Maintenance will Impact Proposal Submissions (08/18/2022)
  4. Third Pilot Virtual Networking for RAs on August 16, 2022 (08/03/2022)
  5. U-M ITS System Improvement (08/02/2022)
  6. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) System Performance Update (08/01/2022)

July 2022 Updates

  1. Apply Now! Virtual Navigate: Fundamentals Course (Fall 2022) (07/25/2022)
  2. Procurement Policies and Procedures (07/20/2022)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (07/11/2022)

June 2022 Updates

  1. Second Pilot Virtual Networking for RAs on July 21, 2022 (06/29/2022)
  2. Procurement Information for Research Administration Webinar (06/21/2022)
  3. RAPid June 2022 Updates (06/10/2022)

May 2022 Updates

  1. Research Administrators' Network Meeting Materials (05/26/2022)
  2. The RAP - General News - Spring 2022 (05/17/2022)
  3. RAN is May 18, 2022 (05/05/2022)
  4. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (05/02/2022)

April 2022 Updates

  1. The PEERRS website has moved! (04/20/2022)
  2. Virtual Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles Course (04/07/2022)
  3. Federal Sponsor Other Support & International Engagements (04/05/2022)

March 2022 Updates

  1. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update and SF-424 ( Application Update (03/28/2022)
  2. Federal Sponsor Other Support & International Engagements Webinar (03/08/2022)
  3. Announcing the RAAC DEI Workgroup Dialogue Sessions! (03/01/2022)

February 2022 Updates

  1. ORSP and eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) System Updates (02/28/2022)
  2. Final Reminder for RAN Meeting (2/21/2022)
  3. New Electronic Sub PG Form (2/21/2022)
  4. Register for RAN (2/8/2022)
  5. Data Resources for the Research Administration Community (2/8/2022)

January 2022 Updates

  1. OVPR Research Staff Awards (01/28/2022)
  2. The RAP - EVENTS & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Winter 2022 (01/21/2022)
  3. The RAP - NSF UPDATES - Winter 2022 (01/21/2022)
  4. The RAP - NIH UPDATES - Winter 2022 (01/21/2022)
  5. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (01/17/2022)
  6. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update and SF-424 ( Application Enhancements (01/10/2022)
  7. Virtual Navigate: Fundamentals Pilot Course (Spring 2022) (01/06/2022)
  8. Deliverables Functionality in eRPM (01/03/22)


December 2021 Updates

  1. FSRs and Proposal Submission Deadlines around Season Days (12/10/2021)
  2. Plan for FORMS-G to be available in eRPM by Monday, January 10, 2022 (12/03/2021)
  3. Retirement Reminders: Zoom Celebrations for Kathy DeWitt and Colleen Vogler on December 3 and 17 (12/02/2021)

November 2021 Updates

  1. Sponsored Programs - FSRs due Thursday, December 9 (11/24/2021)
  2. New NIH Requirements Beginning January 25, 2022 (11/16/2021)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (11/15/2021)

October 2021 Updates

  1. Register for the Award Change Request Demonstration Webinar (10/29/2021)
  2. View the Agenda for Thursday's Research Administrators' Network Meeting (10/26/2021)
  3. UPDATE: RAN is Thursday, October 28 - Register now for Zoom Access (10/18/2021)
  4. RAN is this month via Zoom (10/18/2021)
  5. ACR (Award Change Request) Enhancements Coming in November (10/14/2021)
  6. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates - Fall 2021 - NSF (10/12/2021)
  7. Announcing a New Navigate: E-ssentials eLearning Module (10/12/2021)

September 2021 Updates

  1. Happy National Research Administrators Day! (09/24/2021)
  2. eRPM Connection to 9/21/21 (09/21/2021)
  3. eRPM Connection to 9/20/21 - Update (09/20/2021
  4. eRPM Connection to 9/20/21 (09/20/2021)

August 2021 Updates

  1. Announcing the Navigate Fall 2021 Virtual Course Schedule (08/31/2021)
  2. Project Team Alert: Recent AHA applications lack correct U-M contacts (08/26/2021)
  3. Please confirm your U-M ORSP & Sponsored Programs subscription (08/25/2021)
  4. Navigate Webinar Materials Available (08/18/2021)
  5. NIH Loan Repayment Program: Applications Cycle Opens September 1 (08/17/2021)
  6. For Urgent Requests During Power Outages (08/12/2021)
  7. Navigate Topics of Interest Survey: DoD Proposals & Awards (08/03/2021)

July 2021 Updates

  1. A New Navigate Webinar: Sponsor Billing and Collections (07/28/2021)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update and SF-424 ( Enhancements (07/26/2021)
  3. Announcing Two New Navigate: E-ssentials eLearning Modules (07/23/2021)
  4. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (07/13/2021)

June 2021 Updates

  1. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates - Summer 2021 - NSF (06/28/2021)
  2. RAPid - New UEIs Available and May be Requested by Sponsor (06/21/2021)
  3. Help Us Develop a Navigate Webinar on Sponsor Billing & Collections (06/21/2021)

May 2021 Updates

  1. Research Administrators' Network - Meeting Materials (05/26/2021)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) - Version 6.2 (05/24/2021)
  3. Reminder to Join us on Zoom for the May 19th RAN Meeting (05/18/2021)
  4. Join us on Zoom for the May 19th RAN Meeting (05/05/2021)
  5. The RAP - NIH Sponsor-Specific Updates - Spring 2021 (05/04/2021)

April 2021 Updates

  1. 2021 Distinguished University Innovator Award - Call for Nominations (04/15/2021)
  2. Register for the Virtual Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (04/14/2021)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) - Version 6.1 (04/05/2021)
  4. Final Opportunity - UROP Research Study - RAAC DEI Workgroup Assessment (04/01/2021)

March 2021 Updates

  1. Reminder - UROP / RAAC Survey: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (03/24/2021)
  2. UROP / RAAC Survey: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (03/17/2021)
  3. Research Administrators' Network - Meeting Materials (03/10/2021)
  4. NIH - Announcement of Childcare Costs for Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) (03/08/2021)
  5. The RAP - General News - Winter 2021 (03/05/2021)

February 2021 Updates

  1. Reminder to Join us on Zoom for the February 25th RAN Meeting (02/23/2021)
  2. Register for the Virtual Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects (02/16/2021)
  3. Join us on Zoom for the February 25th RAN Meeting (02/12/2021)
  4. New Single IRB (sIRB) Request Process (02/09/2021)

January 2021 Updates

  1. Help Us Explore 'Effort' at RAN (01/13/2021)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) - Version 6.0 (01/11/2021)
  3. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (01/08/2021)
  4. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (01/05/2021)


December 2020 Updates

  1. The RAP - Resources, Professional Development & Upcoming Events (12/22/2020)
  2. New DoD FY21 Policy on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Clinical Research (12/21/2020)
  3. New CMMC and NIST SP 800-171 requirements coming for DoD (12/14/2020)
  4. New ORSP SOPs regarding Other Support and Foreign Components (12/10/2020)
  5. NIH - New FAQS on Policy for Charing PPE (12/04/2020)
  6. Sponsored Programs - FSRs due Thursday, December 10 (12/04/2020)

November 2020 Updates

  1. ORSP and Sponsored Programs Reminder: Season Days (11/24/2020)
  2. Sponsored Programs - FSRs due December 10 - 2020-2021 Holiday Schedule (11/17/2020)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update (11/17/2020)
  4. The RAP - NIH Sponsor-Specific Updates - Late Fall 2020 (11/13/2020)
  5. Working Proposal Submission Deadlines around Season Days (11/13/2020)
  6. Reminder - Electronic Approval of Subrecipient Invoices as of November 10, 2020 (11/12/2020)
  7. Reminder to complete the Post-RAN Survey (11/11/2020)
  8. Subrecipient Invoice Approval Reminder and Navigate Webinar Materials Available (11/05/2020)
  9. Research Administrators' Network - Meeting Materials and Survey (11/03/2020)

October 2020 Updates

  1. NSF Proposal Preparation Demonstration Site (10/28/2020)
  2. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates - Fall 2020 (10/28/2020)
  3. RAN is Today! (10/27/2020)
  4. Cloning Issue on Sign PAF Activity (10/21/2020)
  5. Changes to Federally-Funded Compensation Costs Related to COVID-19 (10/16/2020)
  6. A New Navigate Webinar: Subrecipient Invoice Approvals in M-Pathways (10/15/2020)
  7. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates - Fall 2020 - NSF (10/06/2020)

September 2020 Updates

  1. RAN is next month via Zoom (09/25/2020)
  2. It's National Research Administrator Day (09/25/2020)
  3. NIH Loan Repayment Program: Applications Cycle Now Open (09/22/2020)
  4. Updates Related to the Expanded “Sign PAF” Activity (09/18/2020)
  5. Navigate Webinar Materials Available (09/16/2020)
  6. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update and SF-424/ Update (09/14/2020)
  7. Reminder: New Requirement - All Investigators Required to Sign PAF (09/09/2020)
  8. Navigate Webinar Materials Available (09/09/2020)
  9. Upcoming PAF change: new sIRB questions (09/03/2020)
  10. Can you help test an online forum for RAs? (09/01/2020)

August 2020 Updates

  1. A New Navigate Webinar: "Sign PAF" Requirement for Investigators & "Other Support” Review (08/17/2020)
  2. Your My LINC Research Administration Course Will Be Updated (08/11/2020)
  3. New Requirement - All Investigators Required to Sign PAF (08/05/2020)

July 2020 Updates

  1. Resuming Standard Deadline Policies on August 17 (07/31/2020)
  2. Your My LINC Research Administration Course Will Be Updated (07/29/2020)
  3. Navigate Webinar Materials Available (07/22/2020)
  4. Tracking costs associated with response to COVID outbreak (07/17/2020)
  5. Important Notice: Charging Idle Employee Salaries (07/16/2020)
  6. Register Now for a New Navigate Webinar: NSF Biosketch and SciENcv (07/07/2020)

June 2020 Updates

  1. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Version 5.8 Update (06/29/2020)
  2. 2020 Distinguished University Innovator Award - Call for Nominations (06/19/2020)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) SF-424 Update (06/15/2020)
  4. Requirements for NIH Reports (06/12/2020)
  5. Enhanced Effort Recertification Memo (06/10/2020)
  6. New PEERRS Course and Revised Training Requirement (06/08/2020)
  7. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) SF-424 (06/01/2020)

May 2020 Updates

  1. NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (05/29/2020)
  2. Research Administrators' Network - Meeting Materials and Survey (05/27/2020)
  3. RAN is Today! (05/20/2020)
  4. Remember to Register for the RAN Zoom! (05/18/2020)
  5. Allocation of Personnel Costs During Unexpected or Extraordinary Circumstances (05/15/2020)
  6. Summer Salaries - Standard Operating Procedure (05/14/2020)
  7. RAN is next week via Zoom! (05/13/2020)
  8. Navigate Webinar Video and Materials Now Available (05/12/2020)
  9. Terri Maxwell Retirement (5/7/2020)

April 2020 Updates

  1. Important Update for Industry-Sponsored Research Agreements (04/28/2020)
  2. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates - Spring 2020 (04/17/2020)
  3. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates - Spring 2020 (04/16/2020)
  4. Register Now for a New Navigate Webinar: NIH Biosketch and SciENcv (04/16/2020)
  5. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update to be Affected by eRA Systems Cloud Migration (04/14/2020)
  6. Submit any Stop Work Orders to ORSP as soon as possible. (04/06/2020)
  7. NSF-approved Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Formats (04/01/2020)

March 2020 Updates

  1. NIH Late Application Guideline Update (03/27/2020)
  2. ORSP Operations Entirely Digital During Gov. Whitmer’s Order (03/23/2020)
  3. How We'll Help Prioritize COVID-19 Research (03/23/2020)
  4. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update for SF-424/ Application Enhancements (03/23/2020)
  5. ORSP Staff Updates (03/18/2020)
  6. COVID-19 Announcements (03/16/2020)
  7. eResearch Proposal Management Update (03/09/2020)
  8. RAN Meeting Materials and Video Now Available (03/06/2020)
  9. System Enhancements with M-Reports and M-Pathways (03/04/2020)
  10. Navigate Recognition Lunch (03/04/2020)
  11. Applications are now being accepted for Navigate: Advance Budgeting: Task-Based Budgets (03/03/2020)
  12. The RAP - Events & Professional Development Updates - Winter 2020 (03/02/2020)


December 2019 Updates

  1. Toyota Research Institute University Research Program (12/20/2019)
  2. NIH Emphasizes Other Support (12/19/2019)
  3. The RAP - NSF - Sponsor-Specific Updates (12/18/2019)
  4. Preparing for U-M's New Proposal Submission Deadline Policy (12/18/2019)
  5. Deadline Policy Interchange Video Available After Event (12/05/2019)
  6. Join ORSP and ITS tomorrow for a Deadline Policy Interchange (12/04/2019)
  7. ORSP and Sponsored Programs - 2019-2020 Holiday Schedule (12/04/2019)

November 2019 Updates

  1. Preparing for U-M's New Proposal Submission Deadline Policy (11/22/2019)
  2. Research Administrators' Network - Meeting Materials and Survey (11/18/2019)
  3. ORSP and Sponsored Programs - 2019-2020 Holiday Schedule (11/11/2019)
  4. NSF - System Outage November 8 - November 12, 2019 (11/08/2019)
  5. M-Report Enhancement (11/01/2019)

October 2019 Updates

  1. A few seats remain for the Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles - Due Friday, October 25th (10/21/2019)
  2. Reminder to register for the new Sponsor Navigate: Lunch & Learn Series (10/17/2019)
  3. Reminder to register now for the October 15, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting (10/11/2019)
  4. Reminder to Register for Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (10/08/2019)
  5. ORSP Processing Changes (10/07/2019)
  6. Register now for the October 15, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting (10/01/2019)

September 2019 Updates

  1. Reminder to Register for Navigate: Advance Budgeting (09/30/2019)
  2. It's National Research Administration Day (09/25/2019)
  3. New M-Reports Feature - The Flexibility to Show Cents (09/17/2019)
  4. Introducing a new Navigate: Lunch & Learn Series (09/17/2019)
  5. Announcing the Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (09/16/2019
  6. ORCID IDs will be required for NIH 2020 Research Training, Fellowship, Research Education, and Career Development Awards (09/12/2019)
  7. NIH Loan Repayment Program: Applications Cycle Now Open (09/12/2019)
  8. Navigate: Advance Budgeting - Internal Proposals with Cost Sharing (09/09/2019)
  9. eResearch Proposal Management Update (09/09/2019)
  10. Transition to New Subrecipient Form (09/06/2019)
  11. ORSP PAF Processing Changes Coming September 30, 2019 (09/04/2019)

August 2019 Updates

  1. Reminder - Predefined BusinessObjects Queries Webinar (08/26/2019)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management Update (08/26/2019)
  3. New Navigate: E-ssentials e-Learning Modules (08/26/2019)
  4. NSF-approved Biographical Sketch Format (08/22/2019)
  5. Reminder to Register for two Navigate Courses: Advance Budgeting: Task-Based Budgets and Budgeting Basics (08/22/2019)
  6. Navigate: Fundamentals Course Reminder (08/19/2019)
  7. Predefined BusinessObjects Queries Webinar (08/15/2019)
  8. New convention for non-federal sponsored project shortcodes (08/08/2019)
  9. Sign Up for Navigate: Fundamentals Course (08/05/2019)

July 2019 Updates

  1. Sign up for navigate: budgeting basics for sponsored projects (07/31/2019)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management Update (07/22/2019)
  3. Lunch & Learn Preference Survey (07/17/2019)
  4. eResearch Proposal Management July 22, 2019 Update (07/15/2019)
  5. RAMPing up for the Research Administration Mentoring Program (07/15/2019)
  6. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (07/02/2019)

June 2019 Updates

  1. Reminder: NIH Foreign Collaboration Disclosure Requirements (06/25/2019)
  2. The RAP - July Funding Opportunities (06/17/2019)
  3. The RAP - Survey for Principal Investigators using or FastLane (06/17/2019)
  4. Research Administrators' Network - Meeting Materials and Survey (06/04/2019)

May 2019 Updates

  1. Reminder: NIH Foreign Collaboration Disclosure Requirements (05/29/2019)
  2. Reminder to Register for the May 23, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting (05/21/2019)
  3. Navigate: Advance Budgeting: Task-Based Budgets (05/20/2019)
  4. Sign Up for the June 18, 2019 Navigate: Lunch & Learn (05/17/2019)
  5. Register for the May 23, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (05/14/2019)
  6. Update on Strategic Supplier Program and Federal Sponsored Projects (05/14/2019)
  7. eResearch Proposal Management May 2019 Update (05/06/2019)
  8. The RAP - May Funding Opportunities (05/03/2019)

April 2019 Updates

  1. 2019 Distinguished University Innovator Award - Call for Nominations (04/30/2019)
  2. Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles for Spring 2019 (04/30/2019)
  3. New Release Date For Upcoming PAF Question Changes: May6 (04/25/2019)
  4. NIH Guidelines Regarding Foreign Entities: Important Clarification (04/25/2019)
  5. New Navigate: E-ssentials eLearning Modules (04/24/2019)
  6. Reminder to Apply for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects (04/17/2019)
  7. Upcoming PAF Question Changes - What You Need to Know (04/15/2019)
  8. Announcing the Navigate: Advanced Budgeting - Department of Defense (DoD) Budgets Course (04/11/2019)
  9. Update on Strategic Supplier Program (04/10/2019)
  10. Reminder to Apply for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects - Space is Limited (04/10/2019)
  11. Pivot Training Workshops (04/09/2019)
  12. The RAP - April Funding Opportunities (04/09/2019)
  13. Research Administrators' Network Survey Available (04/09/2019)
  14. Announcing the Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (04/09/2019)

March 2019 Updates

  1. Reminder to Register for Navigate: Advance Budgeting Selected Topics Courses (03/26/2019)
  2. eRPM Deliverables Functionality (03/26/2019)
  3. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update for SF424 Enhancements (03/25/2019)
  4. Pivot Training Workshops (03/20/2019)
  5. Stay on top of federal and foundation funding opportunities (03/20/2019)
  6. Register Now for the April 19 BusinessObjects Overview Lunch & Learn (03/19/2019)
  7. RAN Materials and Post-Meeting Survey Available (03/19/2019)
  8. U-M-JITRI Collaboration Program Faculty Fellow Award (03/19/2019)
  9. MICHR Pilot Grant Program - Pathway Awards (03/15/2019)
  10. Mixed methods training opportunities ahead. (03/14/2019)
  11. Register for an April 5 Town Hall Session (03/12/2019)
  12. Sign Up for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects - Space is Limited (03/06/2019)

February 2019 Updates

  1. Two Navigate: Advance Budgeting Selected Topics Courses (02/28/2019)
  2. Reminder to Register for the February 26, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (02/26/2019)
  3. Award and Award Modification Functionality (02/25/2019)
  4. Center for Japanese Studies Grant Opportunities (02/22/2019)
  5. Reminder to Register for the February 26, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (02/22/2019)
  6. Register for the February 26, 2019, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (02/19/2019)
  7. Navigate: Fundamentals Course Reminder (02/14/2019)
  8. The RAP - February Funding Opportunities (02/12/2019)
  9. New Navigate: E-ssentials eLearning Modules (02/11/2019)
  10. Navigate: Fundamentals Course Reminder and Date Change for Day 3 (02/07/2019)
  11. Register Now for the February 28 BusinessObjects Overview Lunch & Learn (02/06/2019)
  12. New Deadlines for NSF Opportunities (02/01/2019)

January 2019 Updates

  1. ORSP Plans During Emergency Reduction of Operations (01/29/2019)
  2. Navigate: Fundamentals Course (01/29/2019)
  3. Important Government Sponsor Update (01-25-2019)
  4. $100K MTRAC Transportation Award (01/25/2019)
  5. New! PEERRS Human Subjects Research Protections Course (01/18/2019)
  6. New Navigate: E-ssentials eLearning Modules (01/17/2019)
  7. The RAP - January Funding Opportunities (01/16/2019)

December 2018 Updates

  1. NIH Competing Renewal Applications (12/24/2018)
  2. The RAP - Research Administration Post - Winter 2018 (12/21/2018)
  3. Request for Public Comment on Export Controls - Emerging Technologies (12/20/2018)
  4. Fall 2018 U-M New Certified Research Administrators (12/19/2018)
  5. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (12/19/2018)
  6. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates (12/18/2018)
  7. ORSP Holiday Updates (12/17/2018)
  8. The RAP - Sponsor-Specific Updates (12/13/2018)
  9. The RAP - December Funding Opportunities (12/13/2018)
  10. Sponsored Programs - 2018-2019 Holiday Schedule (12/13/2018)
  11. ORSP Holiday Updates (12/11/2018)
  12. eRPM December 2018 Update (12/10/2018)
  13. ORSP and Sponsored Programs - 2018-2019 Holiday Schedule (12/07/2018)
  14. eRPM Data Set Webinar is Today! (12/04/2018)
  15. ORSP Holiday Newsletter - Special Edition (12/03/2018)

November 2018 Updates

  1. Deadline Extended. Navigate: Advanced Budgeting - Internal Proposals (11/30/2018)
  2. New! U-M Faculty/PI On-boarding and Off-boarding Checklists for Research (11/28/2018)
  3. Reminder to Register for Navigate: Advanced Budgeting - Internal Proposals (11/26/2018)
  4. Date Change Within! Sharing our 2018-2019 Schedule of Hours and Closings (11/19/2018)
  5. ORSP Response Time Goals (11/19/2018)
  6. ORSP and Sponsored Programs - Sharing our 2018-2019 Schedule of Hours and Closings (11/19/2018)
  7. Reminder for Navigate: Advanced Budgeting Selected Topics (11/15/2018)
  8. Plan Ahead - December Deadlines for Financial Status Reports and Invoices (11/12/2018)
  9. Navigate: E-ssentials eLearning Modules (11/02/2018)
  10. Research Administrators' Network Meeting Key Updates and Resources (11/02/18)
  11. RAPid November Funding Opportunities (11/01/2018)
  12. Apply now! (11/01/2018)

October 2018 Updates

  1. Daryl Weinert leaving for Carnegie Mellon University (10/29/2018)
  2. Final Reminder to Sign Up for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects (10/26/2018)
  3. RAN Materials and Post-Meeting Survey Available (10/23/2018)
  4. Navigate: UG Course for Fall 2018! (10/19/2018)
  5. Daryl Weinert leaving for Carnegie Mellon University (10/18/2018)
  6. Sign Up for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects - Space is Limited (10/17/2018)
  7. Working with RPPRs at U-M (10/17/2018)
  8. RAN is Tomorrow! (10/17/2018)
  9. November 1, 2018 Navigate: Lunch & Learn Update (10/16/2018)
  10. CCAT Funding Opportunity and Q&A Session (10/11/2018)
  11. A Message for the RAAC Members (10/10/2018)
  12. RAPid October Funding Opportunities (10/08/2018)
  13. Register for the October 18, 2018, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (10/08/2018)
  14. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update for SF424 Enhancements (10/08/2018)
  15. Sign Up for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects - Space is Limited (10/03/2018)
  16. Proposal Management and Award Management Functionality (10/01/2018)

September 2018 Updates

  1. National Research Administrator Day (09/25/2018)
  2. Announcing the Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (09/25/2018)
  3. Sign Up for November 1, 2018 Navigate: Lunch and Learn (09/24/2018)
  4. New Federal Uniform Guidance Regulations Implemented (09/14/2018)
  5. NIH Loan Repayment Program: Applications Cycle Open Now and Due November 15, 2018 (09/14/2018)
  6. RAPid September Funding Opportunities (09/13/2018)
  7. Driving Research Excellence (09/13/2018)
  8. eRPM September 2018 Update (09/10/2018)
  9. Navigate: Fundamentals Course Reminder (09/05/2018)

August 2018 Updates

  1. Navigate: Fundamentals Course (08/21/2018)
  2. New Award Management Functionality (08/20/2018)
  3. Facebook Call for Proposals (08/15/2018)
  4. RAPid August Funding Opportunities (08/14/2018)
  5. New Award Management Functionality in eRPM - Action Needed - Information Session (08/14/2018)
  6. New Award Management Functionality in eRPM - Action Needed to Remove Holds (08/03/2018)
  7. Toyota Research Institute Call for Proposals - Due October 12 (08/02/2018)

July 2018 Updates

  1. New Award Management Functionality in eRPM (07/26/2018)
  2. NIH Competing Renewal Applications (07/20/2018)
  3. Apply or register now! (07/19/2018)
  4. Reminder: Sign Up for July 24, 2018 Navigate: Lunch and Learn (07/12/2018)
  5. Navigate: Advanced Budgeting - Internal Proposals Course for Summer 2018! (07/11/2018)
  6. ORSP Internal News - Week of July 9, 2018 (07/10/2018)
  7. Navigate: UG Course for Summer 2018! (07/10/2018)
  8. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group (07/09/2018)
  9. RAMPing up for the Research Administrator Mentoring Program (07/03/2018)

June 2018 Updates

  1. Sign Up for July 24, 2018 Navigate: Lunch and Learn (06/27/2018)
  2. Apply or register now! (06/27/2018)
  3. Revised Policy: Institutional Conflicts of Interest (ICOI) in Research (06/27/2018)
  4. Mcity Funding Opportunity (06/26/2018)
  5. Alibaba Funding Opportunity (06/22/2018)
  6. Reminder: Navigate: Lunch and Learn (06/14/2018)
  7. RAPid June Funding Opportunities (06/05/2018)
  8. Open House for Tom Zdeba's Retirement (06/05/2018)
  9. Important NSF Updates (06/04/2018)

May 2018 Updates

  1. NIH Updates - The Human Subjects System (HSS) will replace the Inclusion Management System (IMS) (05/31/2018)
  2. New Award Management Functionality in eRPM (05/31/2018)
  3. Sign Up for June 22, 2018 Navigate: Lunch and Learn (05/30/2018)
  4. Open House for Tom Zdeba's Retirement (05/24/2018)
  5. Reminder - Sign Up for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects (05/21/2018)
  6. eRPM Sandbox data will be purged on May 23 at 5 p.m. (05/18/2018)
  7. RAN Materials and Post-Meeting Survey Available (05/17/2018)
  8. Funding Opportunity: U-M Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation (BICI) Partnership Program Call for Proposals (05/17/2018)
  9. RAPid May Funding Opportunities (05/16/2018)
  10. Register for tomorrow's Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (05/14/2018)
  11. New NIH trainee stipend levels FY18 (05/10/2018)
  12. Reminder: 2018 UMOR Staff Recognition Awards Program and Reception (05/09/2018)
  13. Register for the May 15, 2018, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (05/07/2018)
  14. Register for the May 12, 2018, Research Administrators' Network Meeting! (05/07/2018)
  15. Sign Up for Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects - Space is Limited (05/01/2018)

April 2018 Updates

  1. 2018 UMOR Staff Recognition Awards Program and Reception (04/25/2018)
  2. Navigate: Lunch and Learn Spring 2018 Registration Announcement (04/24/2018)
  3. NIH Competing Renewal Applications (04/12/2018)
  4. RAPid April Funding Opportunities (04/12/2018)

March 2018 Updates

  1. NIH Updates from ORSP (03/27/2018)
  2. Reminder: Last Call for Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles - Held at UM-Dearborn (3/20/2018)
  3. Important NSF Updates (3/20/2018)
  4. RAPid March Funding Opportunities (3/20/2018)
  5. Celebrate Research - May 3, 2018 - You are invited (03/20/2018)
  6. Navigate: Fundamentals Participants Selected - Your Commitment is Essential (03/08/2018)
  7. $100K Award Opportunity-Deadline Approaching (03/06/2018)
  8. RAN Materials and Post-Meeting Survey Available (3/2/2018)

February 2018 Updates

  1. Reminder: 2018 Distinguished University Innovator Award - Call for Nominations – (02/26/2018)
  2. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update for SF424 Proposal Submitter – (02/26/2018)
  3. Application Due Date Extended for Navigate Courses – (02/21/2018)
  4. Register Now for RAN - Thursday, February 22, 2018 – (02/15/2018)
  5. Reminder - Applications for Navigate: Fundamentals are Due February 22, 2018 – (02/14/2018)
  6. Reminder: Applications for Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles are Due February 22, 2018 – (02/14/2018)
  7. Bioscience Research Proposal Funding Opportunities – (02/12/2018)
  8. RAPid February Funding Opportunities - (2/9/2018)
  9. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Update for SF424 Proposal Submitter – (02/06/2018)
  10. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group – (02/01/2018)
  11. New Grants Aim to Integrate Research, Clinics, and Patients – (02/01/2018)

January 2018 Updates

  1. Reminder: UMOR Research Faculty Awards - Call for Nominations – (01/30/2018)
  2. NIH Grant Application Instruction – (01/30/2018)
  3. Sign Up for February 8, 2018 Navigate: Lunch and Learn - Space is Limited – (01/29/2018)
  4. Announcing the Next Navigate: Fundamentals Course – (01/25/2018)
  5. Announcing the Next Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles – (01/25/2018)
  6. Call for Proposals: MTRAC Transportation $100K Award – (01/24/2018)
  7. SF424 Proposal - Subject Study Title Character Limit Issue – (01/23/2018)
  8. Pending Government Shutdown – (01/19/2018
  9. Navigate: Winter 2018 Course Announcement – (01/19/2018)
  10. Interested in learning about the use of mixed methods in intervention studies? – (01/19/2018)
  11. Reminder: U-M Office of Research Exceptional Service Award - Call for Nominations – (01/18/2018)
  12. Reminder: U-M Office of Research Staff Recognition Award Program - Call for Nominations – (01/17/2018)
  13. 2018 Distinguished University Innovator Award - Call for Nominations – (01/09/2018)
  14. RAPid January Funding Opportunities – (01/08/2018)
  15. The RAP - Research Administration Post - Fall 2017/Winter 2018 – (01/02/2018)

December 2017 Updates

  1. Michigan-Israel Partnership for Research and Education (RFA)- Application Deadline January 31, 2018 (12/15/2017)
  2. NIH Competing Renewal Applications (12/14/2017)
  3. December Deadlines for Financial Status Reports and Invoices (12/13/2017)
  4. eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Updated Language for Clinical Trials and Workspace - December 11, 2017 4.8 Release (12/11/2017)
  5. [MIDAS] The Data Science for Music Challenge Initiative (12/08/2017)
  6. A Research Community Update - ORSP 2017-2018 Holiday Schedule (12/06/2017)
  7. RAPid December Funding Opportunities (12/04/2017)
  8. December eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) SF424 Update - December 2, 2017 (12/04/2017)
  9. 2018 Research Faculty Awards - Call for Nominations (12/01/2017)

November 2017 Updates

  1. MICDE Catalyst Grants for Computational Research (11/27/2017)
  2. December Deadlines for Financial Status Reports and Invoices (11/22/2017)
  3. Facebook Research Seeks Faculty Applications (11/21/2017)
  4. Get Healthy OVPR! (11/16/2017)
  5. RADs Update: 2018 Common Rule and NIH Changes (11/14/2017)
  6. Apply now for prestigious Packard Fellowships, due January 15 (11/14/2017)
  7. 2018 U-M Office of Research Exceptional Service Award - Call for Nominations (11/07/2017)
  8. RAPid November Funding Opportunities (11/06/2017)
  9. 2018 U-M Office of Research Staff Recognition Award Program - Call for Nominations (11/02/2017)
  10. NIH Forms E, Clinical Trials Definition, and sIRB Updates (11/01/2017)

October 2017 Updates

  1.  Reminder: Accepting Applications for Navigate: Fundamentals and Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (10/17/2017) 
  2.  Register Now for RAN - Tuesday, October 24, 2017 (10/13/2017)
  3.  RAPid October Funding Opportunities (10/13/2017)
  4.  eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) - September Update (10/02/2017)

September 2017 Updates

  1.  September RAPid Updates (09/29/2017)
  2.  Accepting Applications for Navigate: Fundamentals and Navigate: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles (09/27/2017)
  3.  NIH Loan Repayment Webinar and Campus Info Session (09/26/2017)
  4.  Reminder - Navigate: Advanced Budgeting II Applications EXTENDED to September 29, 2017 (09/22/2017)
  5.  Register Today for the Michigan Mixed Methods November Workshop (09/21/2017)
  6.  RAPid September Funding Opportunities (09/21/2017)
  7.  Sign Up for October 20 Navigate: Lunch and Learn - Space is Limited (09/19/2017)
  8.  NIH emphasizes that applications must be complete and compliant at time of submission (09/19/2017)
  9.  NIH Loan Repayment Program: Applications Cycle Open Now and Due November 15, 2017 (09/14/2017)
  10.  Reminder - Navigate: Advanced Budgeting II Applications are Due September 22, 2017 (09/13/2017)
  11.  NSF Call for Nominations: 2018 Alan T. Waterman Award (09/05/2017)
  12.  Improvements coming to eResearch SF424 Forms - 8.3 Release (09/01/2017)

August 2017 Updates

  1. Announcing Navigate: Advanced Budgeting II Pilot Courses for Fall 2017! (08/31/2017 )
  2. Toyota Research Institute Call for Proposals - Due October 15 (08/29/2017)
  3. Reminder - MCTI Funding Opportunity (08/23/2017)
  4. Reminder - Applications for Navigate: Advanced Budgeting I are due August 28, 2017 (08/22/2017)
  5. NIH Webinar on Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) (08/17/2017)
  6. MCTI Funding Opportunity (08/14/2017)
  7. RAPid August Funding Opportunities (08/04/2017)
  8. Reminder - Application for aiM Higher - CRA Study Group is due August 15, 2017 (08/04/2017)
  9. Announcing Navigate: Advanced Budgeting I Courses for Fall 2017! (08/01/2017)
  10. Navigate: Advanced Budgeting I Course - Ready for Applicants (08/01/2017)

July 2017 Updates

  1. ORSP closed tomorrow afternoon for staff summer picnic (07/31/2017)(link is external)
  2. aiM Higher - Sign up to join the CRA Study Group ( 07/27/2017)(link is external)
  3. Reminder - Applications for Navigate: Fundamentals are due August 4, 2017 (07/25/2017)(link is external)
  4. NIH Competing Renewal Applications (07/19/2017)(link is external)
  5. Announcing the Fall 2017 Navigate: Budgeting Basics for Sponsored Projects Course (07/11/2017)(link is external)
  6. Announcing the Fall 2017 Navigate: Fundamentals Course (07/10/2017)(link is external)
  7. RAPid July Funding Opportunities (07/03/2017)

June 2017 Updates

  1. Early-career funding opportunity - Chemistry and Life Sciences - Due August 14 (06/27/2017)
  2. eRPM June 2017 Update (06/26/2017)
  3. The RAP - Research Administration Post - Spring/Summer 2017 (06/23/2017)
  4. RAMPing up for the Fourth Research Administrator Mentoring Program (06/23/2017)
  5. Sign Up for June 30 Navigate: Uniform Guidance - Space is Limited (06/22/2017)
  6. Seeking Research Administration Mentoring Program Participants (06/22/2017)
  7. NSF Updates (06/15/2017)
  8. Sign Up for June 21 Navigate: Lunch and Learn - Space is Limited (06/15/2017)
  9. SAVE THE DATE: UM-Israel Partnership for Research & Education 6th Annual Conference & Poster Session (06/15/2017)
  10. RAPid June Funding Opportunities (06/02/2017)

May 2017 Updates

  1. Federal Agency SBIR/STRR Visit (05/19/2017)
  2. Reminder! RAN Is Next Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (05/11/2017)
  3. Reminder: 2017 Umor Staff Recognition Awards Program And Reception (05/11/2017)
  4. RAPid May Funding Opportunities (05/11/2017)
  5. The New Research Terms and Conditions - Uniform Guidance Implementation (05/09/2017)
  6. Reminder: 2017 Distinguished University Innovator Award (05/09/2017)
  7. Register For May RAN - Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (05/03/2017)
  8. eRPM Proposal Management System Update May 2017 (05/02/2017)

April 2017 Updates

  1. Funding Opportunity: National Service Engagement Faculty Travel Support (04/27/2017)
  2. 2017 UMOR Staff Recognition Awards Program And Reception (04/27/2017)
  3. Proposals Due May 8, 2017 - Data Science (04/26/2017)
  4. 2017 Distinguished University Innovator Award (04/25/2017)
  5. NSF Initiates A Pilot Requiring A Spreadsheet Template For Identifying Collaborators And Other Affiliations (04/18/2017)
  6. NIH Competing Renewal Applications (04/18/2017)
  7. Recipients of Kirschstein-NRSA institutional training grants (T32, T35, T90, TL1) (04/17/2017)
  8. $1M+ in Funding Available from DiDi: Pre-proposals Extended to April 28 (04/14/2017)
  9. Government Team Project Representative Changes (04/07/2017)
  10. U-M And SJTU Call For Proposals Due May 8, 2017 (04/05/2017)
  11. The FY16 Uniform Guidance Single Audit is Complete! (04/03/2017)

March 2017 Updates

  1. $1M+ in Funding Available from DiDi: Pre-proposals due April 14 (03/28/2017)
  2. Mixed Methods Workshop: One Week Left to Register (03/23/2017)
  3. NIH Updates (03/21/2017)
  4. Update On Our FDP Clearinghouse Pilot - PHS Letter Of Commitment (03/21/2017)
  5. Have you checked out the Closeout Checklists?  (03/20/2017)
  6. Gates Grand Challenges Explorations now open  (03/20/2017)
  7. eRPM will be unavailable this weekend  (03/20/2017)
  8. RAPid March Funding Opportunities (03/03/2017)
  9. Help us shape Navigate programs to meet faculty and staff professional development needs!  (03/02/2017)
  10. Funding Opportunity: U-M Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation (BICI) Partnership Program  (03/01/2017)

February 2017 Updates

January 2017 Updates

December 2016 Updates

  1. NIH Competing Renewal (12/16/2016 )
  2. NIH Competing Renewal (12/14/2016 )

November 2016 Updates

  1. Indirect Costs: New F&A Rates approved (11/28/2016)
  2. 2017 U-M Office of Research Staff Recognition Award Program – Call for Nominations (11/22/2016)
  3. 2017 UMOR Exceptional Service Award – Call for Nominations (11/22/2016)
  4. December Deadlines for Financial Status Reports and Invoices (11/18/2016)
  5. eRPM November 2016 Update (11/14/2016)
  6. Streamlined Agreement Acceptance (11/11/2016)
  7. ORSP Open House Invitation (11/3/2016)
  8. RAPid November Funding Opportunities (11/3/2016)

October 2016 Updates

  1. The RAP - Research Administration Post - Fall 2016 (10/28/2016)
  2. RAN is Tomorrow (10/12/2016)
  3. Distinguished University Innovator Award (10/12/2016)
  4. RAPid October Funding Opportunities (10/12/2016)
  5. Registration Open for RAN (10/3/2016)

September 2016 Updates

August 2016 Updates

  1. RAPid August Update - Research News and Funding Opportunities (08/17/2016)
  2. Society of Research Administrators International - Pre-Register for Michigan Chapter Meeting (08/04/2016)
  3. On Behalf of MICHR Pilot Grant Program - Round 21 RFA - Translational Science Award (08/01/2016)
  4. The RAP - August Funding Opportunities (08/01/2016)
  5. $4 Million - Toyota Research Institute Call for Proposals (08/01/2016)

July 2016 Updates

June 2016 Updates (link is external)

  1. eRPM June 2016 Update - Updates to MTAs, Hardships, and SF424 (06/27/2016)(link is external)
  2. Announcing our New Training Manager: David Mulder (06/21/2016)(link is external)
  3. RAMPing up for the next Research Administrator Mentoring Program (06/17/2016)(link is external)
  4. RAMP↑ Program Updates! Soliciting new participants! (06/16/2016)(link is external)
  5. Updates and Announcements for the RAAC (06/16/2016)(link is external)
  6. Announcing the Fall 2016 Navigate: Fundamentals Course (06/07/2016)(link is external)

May 2016 Updates

  1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Collaboration - Budget Template Updated for Proposals Due June 1 (05/31/2016)(link is external)
  2. Announcing ORSP's New Assistant Director: Yvonne Sturt (05/31/2016)(link is external)
  3. Proposals Due June 1 - Sustaining Critical Infrastructures for Environment and Human Health (05/24/2016)(link is external)
  4. Register Now for Friday's RAN Meeting (05/17/2016)(link is external)
  5. Reminder: Michigan-Israel Partnership Meeting This Weekend (05/13/2016) (link is external)
  6. Changes Coming June 1st to the Army Research Office (ARO) IPR System (05/10/2016)(link is external)
  7. Register for RAN - Friday, May 20, 2016 (05/05/2016)(link is external)
  8. U-M and SJTU Call for Proposals Due June 1, 2016 (05/03/2016)(link is external)
  9. Validations implemented for FORMS-D submissions in eRPM (05/02/2016)

April 2016 Updates

March 2016 Updates

February 2016 Updates

  1. The RAP - Research Administration Post - January/February 2016 (02/02/2016)

January 2016 Updates

  1. RAN Reminder and Remote Login Details (01/29/2016)
  2. submitting to NIH with Subaward for February and March deadlines (01/28/2016)
  3. Time To Register For The February 2nd RAN Meeting! (01/20/2016)
  4. Research Staff Recognition Awards (01/14/2016)
  5. Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center, Inc. - Call For Pre-Proposals (01/12/2016)
  6. U-M MTRAC Transportation Program Request For Proposals (01/11/2016)
  7. (SF424) Application Enhancements and Changes (01/11/2016)
  8. Funding Opportunity from MTC - Deadline Extended to January 20, 2016 (01/11/2016)
  9. Request for Information: Research Partnership with Weizmann Institute and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (01/08/2016)

December 2015 Updates

  1. The RAP - Research Administration Post - December 2015 (12/17/2015)
  2. Funding Opportunity from MTC - Deadline Extended to January 20, 2016 (12/11/2015)
  3. Reminder: NIH Competing Renewal Applications (12/10/2015)

November 2015 Updates

  1. **THE RAP (Research Administration Post) - November 2015 (11/30/2015)

October 2015 Updates

  1. Video Announcement! Navigate Research at U-M (10/30/2015)
  2. eRPM System Updates - October 2015 (10/30/2015)
  3. Up to $100K in funding from U-M MTRAC (10/30/2015)
  4. RAP/RAPid Survey 2015 (10/16/2015 )
  5. Expanded Role for Daryl Weinert (10/16/2015)
  6. Social Sciences Annual Institute (SSAI) - Request for Proposals (10/15/2015)
  7. MIDAS RFPs for data science research awards (10/14/2015)
  8. NIH Loan Repayment Program: Help us Spread the Word (10/06/2015)
  9. RAN is Wednesday, October 7th - Register now! (10/05/2015)
  10. U-M Supports Adoption of Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreements (ACTA) (10/05/2015)

September 2015 Updates

  1. **THE RAP (Research Administration Post) - September 2015
  2. Your Action Requested: eRPM Performance Issues and Upcoming PAF Deadlines (09/29/2015)

August 2015 Updates

  1. ORSP and eResearch System Updates (08/20/2015)
  2. Finance and Research RAPid Updates (08/03/2015)
  3. NIH - Competing Renewal Applications Reminder (08/03/2015)

July 2015 Updates

  1. **The RAP (Research Administration Post) - June/July/August 2015

June 2015 Updates

  1. eRPM System Updates and Research Administration Impact (06/23/2015)
  2. Updates on Uniform Guidance Info Sessions (06/23/2015)
  3. Sign Up for Uniform Guidance Info Sessions (06/11/2015)
  4. RAMPing up for a new Research Administrator Mentoring Program (06/10/2015)
  5. RAMPing up for a new Research Administrator Mentoring Program (06/04/2015)

May 2015 Updates

  1. Last Chance to Share Training Input/Seeking Subject Matter Experts in Research Administration - Survey Due (05/31/2015)
  2. RAPid NIH Updates from ORSP regarding Assist and Biosketches (05/16/2015) 
  3. Seeking Subject Matter Experts for New Research Admin Program(05/05/2015)
  4. Research Websites Launch on May 5th (05/01/2015)
  5. RAN Reminder - Monday, May 4, 2015 (04/29/2015)

April 2015 Updates

  1. Research Websites - Usability Study Invite (04/21/15)
  2. ** The RAP (Research Administration Post) - March/April 2015 (04/17/15)

March 2015 Updates

  1. Early Career Scientist Funding Opportunity - Gates, Simons and HHMI (03/31/2015)
  2. March 30-31: Strengthening the Roles of Universities in National Science Policymaking: Education, Research, and Engagement (03/27/2015)
  3. NIH - Competing Renewal Applications Reminder (03/27/2015)
  4. John Templeton Foundation - Multiple interdisciplinary RFPs (03/09/2015) 
  5. Gates Foundation Grand Challenges: Multiple RFPs (03/06/2015)
  6. Finding Health Research Funding Can Be Challenging (03/04/2015) 

February 2015 Updates

  1. PEERRS courses unavailable next week (02/27/2015)
  2. February Updates: Research Administration Process Improvements (02/20/2015) 
  3. RAN Meeting Materials and Financial Services Unit Training (02/17/2015) 
  4. NSF Fastlane Update - NSF is Addressing Warning Issue (02/10/2015) 
  5. Please register now for Thursday's RAN meeting at the Michigan League (02/10/2015) 
  6. **The RAP (Research Administration Post) - January/February 2015 (02/05/2015)

January 2015 Updates

  1. $100k grant available from U-M's MTRAC- RFP opened on January 6, 2015 (01/16/2015) 
  2. MTC Second Round of Research Funding (01/16/2015) 
  3. A 5-minute survey on RAN meetings (01/15/2015) 
  4. eResearch Alert: SF424/ validation error (01/12/2015) 

December 2014 Updates

  1. December Updates: Research Administration Process Improvements (12/19/2014)
  2. 2015 NSF Career Proposal Writing Workshop (12/18/2014) 
  3. Uniform Guidance - December Update (12/18/2014) 
  4. Budget Reallocation Update (12/17/2014) 
  5. Robert Wood Johnson - Healthy Eating CFP (12/11/2014)
  6. NIH Updates - Biosketch Changes and Resubmission Changes (12/09/2014) 
  7. Reminder: NIH Competing Renewal Applications (12/05/2014) 
  8. **The RAP (Research Administration Post) - November/December 2014 (12/03/2014)
  9. U-M MTRAC Request for Proposals opens on January 6, 2015 (12/02/2014) 
  10. Two Funding Opportunities in Social Science and Inequality Research (12/01/2014) 

November 2014 Updates

  1. Bosch Energy Research Network Faculty Research Grants - 2015 Call for Proposals (11/28/2014) 
  2. Select Funding Opportunities and Awards (11/26/2014) 
  3. Announcing New Project Budget Reallocation Functionality (11/06/2014) 
  4. Debbie Talley - Director of Sponsored Programs (11/06/2014)

October 2014 Updates

  1. U-M Office of Research - Call for Nominations for 2015 Research Faculty Awards (10/28/2014) 
  2. ** The RAP (Research Administration Post) - October 2014 (10/24/2014)
  3. Request for Proposals Social Sciences Annual Institute (SSAI) - Round Six (10/24/2014) 
  4. ORSP Government Team Update - Dedicated PRs Assigned! (10/16/2014) 
  5. 2015 Distinguished University Innovator Award - Call for Nominations (10/08/2014) 
  6. 2015 Research Staff Recognition Awards – Call for Nominations (10/07/2014) 
  7. A Research Community Update from ORSP (10/02/2014) 
  8. Reminder and Tips about Inventories for Biosafety Stewardship Month (10/01/2014) 

September 2014 Updates

  1. Research Administrators Network Meeting (RAN) (09/22/2014) 
  2. **The RAP (Research Administration Post) - September 2014 - Monthly Newsletter (09/19/2014)
  3. Registration Open for the Research Administrators Network (RAN) Meeting (09/11/2014) 
  4. A Research Community Update (09/11/2014) 
  5. Research Administration Mentoring Program Announcement (09/10/2014) 
  6. $100k award increase for U-M MTRAC (09/09/2014) 

August 2014 Updates

June 2014

May 2014


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For questions regarding The RAP or related research communications, please contact Constance Colthorp ([email protected] or 734-647-4587) with any questions.