Senior Contract Officer
Patricia Haynes
(734) 615-8383
[email protected]
ORSP Team Assignment:
Clinical Trials Team
(734) 763-4053; (734) 764-8510
School/College/Institute/Department Assignment(s):
- Business, Ross School of (380000)
- Business: Action Based Learning (380322)
- Business: Doctoral Programs (380240)
- Business: EXECBMA MAP Projects (380502)
- Business: FTMBA MAP Projects (380500)
- Business: Research Support (380410)
- Business: Tauber Institute (380760)
- Engineering: Battery Lab
- Engineering: Aerospace Engineering (212000)
- Engineering: Biointerfaces (210307)
- Engineering: CFE Technology Acceleration Programs (211104)
- Engineering: CoE Automotive Research Center
- Engineering: CoE Biomedical Engineering
- Engineering: CoE Center for Ergonomics
- Engineering: CoE Chemical Engineering
- Engineering: CoE Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Engineering: CoE Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
- Engineering: CoE Industrial and Operations Engineering
- Engineering: CoE Materials Science and Engineering
- Engineering: CoE Multidisciplinary Design (210421)
- Engineering: CoE Robotics Institute
- Engineering: Culture, Community & Equity (210402)
- Engineering: EECS-CSE-AI (215902)
- Engineering: EECS-CSE-CELAB (215901)
- Engineering: EECS-CSE-IS (215904)
- Engineering: EECS-CSE-RTCL (215910)
- Engineering: EECS-CSE-SYSTEMS (215911)
- Engineering: EECS-CSE-Theory (215912)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (216100)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-Con (216105)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-Cspl (216104)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-MICL (Michigan Integrated Circuits Laboratory) (216116)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-OPT (216108)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-Rad (216109)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-SSEL (Solid State Electronics Lab) (216112)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-USL (216114)
- Engineering: EECS-ECE-WIMS-ERC (216113)
- Engineering: Electric Vehicle Center (550035)
- Engineering: Ind/Univ Coop Research Center (222505)
- Engineering: Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (216131)
- Engineering: MC2-Michigan Ctr for Materials (221810)
- Engineering: MCIty (550030)
- Engineering: MCity - Capital Improvement (550034)
- Engineering: MCity - Research (550032)
- Engineering: Mechanical Engineering (222500)
- Engineering: Michigan Engineering Zone (210414)
- Engineering: Michigan Materials Research In (210310)
- Engineering: Naval Architecture and Marine Department
- Engineering: Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Science
- Engineering: Office of Student Affairs (210408)
- Engineering: Space Physics Research Lab
- Engineering: Wu Mfg Research Center (222501)
- MM GSA - Surg Oncology (SON) (302530)
- MM Cardiac Surgery (302600)
- MM Allergy Division (237500)
- MM Int Med-Cardiology (238500)
- MM Int Med-Gastroenterology
- MM Int Med-Geriatrics & Palliative Med (240200)
- MM Int Med-Hematology Oncology (240000)
- MM Obstetrics & Gynecology Dept
- MM Oto - Head and Neck Oncology (249200)
- MM Pediatrics - Gastroenterology (252950)
- MM Pediatrics-Administration (252000)
- MM Pediatrics-Adolescent Medic (252935)
- MM Pediatrics-Cardiology (252400)
- MM Pediatrics-Developmental Behavior (252925)
- MM Pediatrics-Endocrinology (252200)
- MM Pediatrics-General (CHEAR) (252300)
- MM Pediatrics-Genetics (252600)
- MM Pediatrics-Hematology Oncology (252700)
- MM Pediatrics-Hospitalists (252920)
- MM Pediatrics-Infectious Disease (252960)
- MM Pediatrics-Intensive Care (252980)
- MM Pediatrics-Neonatal Perinatology (252500)
- MM Pediatrics-Nephrology (252970)
- MM Pediatrics-Neurology (252800)
- MM Pediatrics-Psychology (252930)
- MM Pediatrics-Pulmonary Medicine (252995)
- MM Pediatrics-Rheumatology (252940)
- MM Pharmacology Department (253000)
- MM Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) (254000)
- MM Postbac Research Education Prgm (230024)
- MM Psych - Geriatric (261800)
- MM Rad Oncology - AA (301500)
- MM Rad Oncology - Can Bio (301510)
- MM Rad Oncology - Physics (301520)
- MM Rogel Cancer Center (306500)
- Ofc Provost & Exec VP Acad Aff (510000)
- Pharmacy, College of (445000)
- Pharmacy: Clinical Pharmacy (445100)
- Pharmacy: Medicinal Chemistry (445200)
- Pharmacy: Pharmaceutical Science (445300)
- Public Media Radio: Michigan Public Engineering (661102)
- Public Media Radio: Michigan Public Programming (661100)
- Rackham: Dean's Office (491100)
- Rackham: Fellowships & Fin Aid (493000)
- Rackham: Institutional Research (491200)
- SEAS - School of Environment and Sustainability (was SNRE)
- SEAS: CIGLR (435112)
- SEAS: General Operations (435500)
- SEAS: Institute of Global Chg (435118)
- SEAS: Michigan Sea Grant (435111)
- SEAS: NERRS (435116)
- SEAS: Sustainability Clinics (435117)
- UMTRI-Behavioral Sciences (567029)
- UMTRI-Biosciences (567005)
- UMTRI-CMISST (567030)
- UMTRI-Engineering Systems (567010)
- UMTRI-Human Factors (567015)
Posted on: Friday, February 21, 2025 - 10:44