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Working with MDHHS
Quick Links and Resources
- Master Agreement Dates & Deadlines Table
- Budget | Workplan | Facesheet Templates
- MDHHS F&A rate memo *effective as of 9/19/24
- EGrAMS MDHHS web site - Questions for ORSP:
[email protected]
The State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is a principal department headquartered in Lansing. It is the largest department in the state government and is responsible for health policy, human service support and delivery, and management of the state's publicly funded health and human service systems.
MDHHS Funding Overview
Depending on the work being funded, U-M may receive funds from MDHHS as stand-alone agreements or as part of a Master Agreement.
Stand-alone project proposals are usually competitive and may include federal prime sponsors. Please refer to the solicitation for specific submission requirements and work with your regular ORSP Project Representative (PR) with questions.
U-M currently supports 85 projects funded under the MDHHS Master Agreement. These projects provide various services to the residents of the state of Michigan. ORSP has PRs dedicated to help support MDHHS projects.
Important Dates / What to Expect
All proposals, subsequent amendment requests, and reports are submitted in EGrAMS, and project periods are usually from October 1 to September 30.
Projects are individual in scope, but each falls under the same overall agreement issued by MDHHS. PIs should start discussing projects with MDHHS Program Managers in the spring, develop a budget with their Research Administrators based on the specific scope, and route a PAF for proposal submission via email. See the deadline Master Agreement Dates & Deadlines Table below for dates.
ORSP’s MDHHS Team will notify PIs and project teams about allocated projects opened in EGrAMS sometime in July. Research Administrators will then enter the proposal in EGrAMS, and ORSP will submit it.
The Master Agreement is issued to U-M in late September and ORSP aims to have projects set up in eResearch by the beginning of October. If MDHHS delays in issuing the agreement, ORSP will also be delayed in executing the agreement. Adjustments, additions, or removals/reductions to projects are done during Amendment cycles which happen, on average, 4 times a year. See the Master Agreement Dates & Deadlines Table below for dates and details.
Sponsor Systems
MDHHS utilizes a few different systems for grants and contracts in order to submit proposals and manage projects. The specific system used depends on how the project is funded by the State of Michigan.
The Electronic Grants Administration & Management System (EGrAMS) is MDHHS's primary grant management system. Project teams need access to submit proposals, amendments, and reports.
How To Request EGrAMS Access
To access EGrAMS, you should have an active User ID and be an authorized user. The first step is to create a User profile. Once created, let the ORSP MDHHS Team ([email protected]) know what projects you need access to and your User ID. See: How to create a user profile in EGrAMS.
EGrAMS Resources
Master Agreement and EGrAMS training resources
EGrAMS Help Desk
[email protected], 517-335-3359
Assistance is available M-F, excluding State holidays, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Requests for assistance will be addressed in the order they are received; most requests will be resolved within 2 business days. Include your full name, agency (or institution) name, grant program and project, complete telephone number (with area code), and a brief description of the issue when you contact the MDHHS EGrAMS Help Desk.
Procurement Contracts are issued as stand-alone projects and often use the SIGMA system. These contracts are handled by ORSP and not the U-M Procurement Office.
U-M State of Michigan SIGMA Vendor ID Number: CV0048260
Research projects related to sexually transmitted infections (STI) and/or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can submit reports and order supplies in the STI/HIV Operations and Resource System (SHOARS).
Master Agreement Process
IMPORTANT - all communications regarding timeline, notices, and EGrAMS actions required are sent via the Master Agreement email list. To be added to the email group, please contact the ORSP MDHHS Team here: [email protected]
(MIP) Michigan Mental Health Integration Partnership
If you have a Michigan Mental Health Integration Partnership (MIP) project, then this site may be helpful to you: Michigan Mental Health Integration Partnership (MIP) | Psychiatry.
Master Agreement Dates & Deadlines Table*
* Dates subject to change. Minimum of 4 amendments issued each year, sometimes more. Quarterly Workplan reports are due four times a year in EGrAMS: 1/15, 4/15, 7/15, 11/15.
Item |
New FY Proposals |
Amendments (AMD) |
AMD 1 |
AMD 2 |
AMD 3 |
AMD 4 |
First Submission Deadlines(Email/PDF) |
Jan 31 |
July 31 |
Sept 23 |
Dec 16 |
May 5 |
EGrAMS Submission Deadlines |
Aug 20 |
Oct 15 |
Dec 21 |
April 30 |
June 30 |
Awarded |
End of Sept |
Oct/Nov |
January |
May |
August |
Please note: failure to meet proposal and amendment deadlines results in every project under the Master Agreement being delayed. MDHHS waits to issue Master Agreement and Amendments until all individual projects are updated.
Brief Overview:
Pre-award and post-award actions taken under the MDHHS Master Agreement are always a two-step process:
- Email/PDF Submission: Submit an email request to MDHHS contacts re: the proposal or requested change(s).
- EGrAMS Submission: Submit proposal(s)/change(s) via EGrAMS once MDHHS has opened the project for project team entry/editing.
Detailed Steps:
ORSP submits the following actions via the normal internal U-M processes in eRPM (e.g., PAFs, ACRs, etc.). Read on for a description of each.
A PAF needs to be routed for new projects or additional funding on existing projects within the MDHHS Fiscal Year (10/1-9/30). See Master Agreements Dates & Deadlines Table above for guidance about timing.
Tips for MDHHS PAFs:
- MDHHS deadline is Sponsor Deadline
- Project Title: If this is a project that has been funded in previous years, Project Title should match prior year’s title with FY## included to differentiate.
- Project Period: Must fall within the MDHHS Fiscal Year (10/1-9/30) and only for one year or less.
- Submission Instructions: Include your MDHHS contact email.
- Utilize the below MDHHS templates for proposal docs. MDHHS proposals require:
- Budget Summary and Detail Budget pages and Budget Justification (See MDHHS Budget instructions)
- Workplan Template
- Facesheet Template
- Correct IDC rate; New MDHHS IDC Rate Memo; Effective for all FY25 proposals routed after 9/19/24 and all FY26 proposals
- Previous MDHHS IDC Rate Memo; Effective for projects routed or awarded prior to 9/19/24
EGrAMS Submission Tips
- Run “Validation” and if there are any errors, select the red stop sign and a pop-up will show where the error is then click on the + in the pop-up to see more information and how to resolve the error
Face Sheet
- Demo Info Name: Regents of the University of Michigan
- Agency’s fiscal year: July 1
- Agency type: University
- Method of Accounting: Accrual
- Ref #: PAF ID (This helps ORSP to match the project when awarded)
- Project Start Dates: Should align with the Fiscal year and match PAF
- Amount of funds: Should match PAF
- Certifications / Contacts Info (click the arrow on the top right):
- AO - Pete Gerard
- Financial - Bryan Van Sickle
- PD - Kellie Buss
- PI on PAF/Project
- All certifications must be checked
- Counties - At least 1 county needs to be selected
- Do not use "Out-Wayne"
- A narrative description must be included
MDHHS requires an Expected Outcomes or Measurement for each Objective listed. These are used for the quarterly reports.
Salary & Wages:
- Qty - Percentage of effort as a decimal. Must also match the justification
- UOM (Unit of Measure) column must be completed - “FTE” for Full Time Employees or “HRS” for hourly employees
- IDC rate - must match PAF and Class Code. See New MDHHS IDC Rate Memo; Effective for all FY25 proposals routed after 9/19/24 and all FY26 proposals
- The fringe calculation must be based on the total salaries requested.
Budget Totals
- Budget Total amounts should match the Face Page.
- Sections labeled “Total Expenditures” and “Total Source of Funds” should be consistent.
- The budget amount on the EGrAMS Face Page is controlled by MDHHS, so if it is not what was expected, the PI/Project Team will need to contact their Program Officer to determine the reason for the discrepancy and how it will be resolved. This error may be resolved with an amendment, or it may be that MDHHS has reduced/expanded the work/budget, and this is the new correct amount. Please let ORSP know of any discrepancies so this can be noted on the PAF or AWD and processed accordingly.
- Rounding matters for the EGrAMS forms
- The Cost Share amount is included in the Source of Funds Section under ‘Local’, and when added to Total State funds, it will equal the Total Budget Amount on the project and PAF.
Amendments / Project Changes
Changes to projects are made during the Amendment cycles. Under the Master Agreement, a minimum of four Amendment cycles are processed each year. See Master Agreement Dates & Deadlines Table above. The ORSP MDHHS Team will communicate about these amendments and any additional off-cycle amendments via the MDHHS email list.
ORSP requires either an Award Change Request (ACR) or a new PAF in eRPM for all Amendment requests. Additional funds require a new PAF and any other project changes require an ACR.
Two-step process for Amendments:
- Email/PDF Submission:
- An appropriate ACR type or a new PAF should be routed for the change being requested (see below).
- Indicate what you would like MDHHS to open for changes in EGrAMS: the workplan, budget, or both (see below).
- Include a PDF with changes noted/highlighted for ORSP to submit. Budget changes on an ACR should be on MDHHS Forms. PAFs for new/additional funding requests should include a workplan, budget, and budget justification.
ORSP will email the PO requesting that the project be opened in EGrAMS for changes in the next Amendment.
EGrAMS Submission:
- When they are ready, MDHHS will open the award up for editing in EGrAMS. ORSP will communicate to project teams when EGrAMS is open and provide the deadline for submission via the MDHHS email list.
- If an ACR was routed, the ACR will be returned to the project team.
- Project teams should Request ORSP Action on a PAF or “Submit Changes” on the ACR when they have entered the amendment information in EGrAMS to let ORSP know submission is ready.
ORSP will verify and submit in EGrAMS. MDHHS will issue the amendment for all projects. ORSP will process a Modification for each Amendment.
Please note: failure to meet proposal and amendment deadlines results in every project under the Master Agreement being delayed. MDHHS waits to issue Master Agreement and Amendments until all individual projects are updated.
Master Agreement Amendment Type
Workplan or Budget Change
eRPM ACR Type or PAF Needed
Naming/Adding personnel that are not yet named on the budget (MDHHS requires all personnel to be named on a project.)
Other Action or UM PI/Key Person Change
PI Change
Workplan and Budget
UM PI/Key Person Change
Requesting to spend funds in a budget category that was not previously approved
Rebudgeting Requiring Sponsor Approval
Modifying an established budget category by $10,000 or 15%, whichever is greater
Rebudgeting Requiring Sponsor Approval
Workplan changes
Other Action
Establishing new Subcontracts
Budget or both
Rebudgeting Requiring Sponsor Approval
Projects with a start date after 10/1
Route a new PAF
Projects with/requesting an additional funding allocation
Budget or both
Route a Subsequent PAF
Allocation amount is being reduced
Deobligation or Other Action ACR
Project teams should reach out to their Program Officer (PO) at MDHHS to see if the remaining funds from the current FY can be used in the next FY. Funds are then issued under the next year’s Master Agreement.If the Program Officer (PO) agrees, then the following is required:
Create a new PAF in eRPM for the carryforward funds.
Please make sure the title of the new PAF is consistent with the AWD.Create a revised work plan
Create a new budget for the carryforward funds (based on the estimated amount of funds remaining or however much is the estimated total for that scope of work)
* Sometimes referred to (incorrectly) as a No Cost Extension. MDHHS does not allow for no-cost extensions under the Master Agreement.
Project Teams are responsible for the preparation and submission of quarterly reports in EGrAMS. Quarterly Report Deadlines* January 15, April 15, July 15, November 15 (Final Report)
*Please note - Previous quarterly reports must be submitted and accepted before subsequent reports are opened for completion and submission in EGrAMS.
Project teams should consider using the Deliverables Function on the AWD record in eRPM to generate email reminders of quarterly report deadlines.
Financial Status Reports (FSRs) are submitted by Sponsored Programs in EGrAMS.
See FAQs below
ORSP must first submit an email request to MDHHS before they will open EGrAMS for your project (it's always a two-step process!). See above for the "Brief Overview—Two-Step Process."
If ORSP submitted the email request, but MDHHS failed to open your project for editing, let ORSP know ASAP so we can address it with MDHHS.
The budget amount on EGrAMS Face Page is controlled by MDHHS, so if it is not what was expected, the PI/Project Team will need to contact their Program Officer to determine the reason for the discrepancy and how it will be resolved.
This error may be resolved with an amendment, or it may be that MDHHS has reduced/expanded the work/budget, and this is the new correct amount.
Please let ORSP know of any discrepancies so this can be noted on the PAF or AWD and processed accordingly.
Route an ACR with your request, and ORSP will work with the Program Officer to determine if this change can be made.
Please reach out to your Customer Service Coordinator in Sponsored Programs.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Research Teams Email Group
This email group allows ORSP staff to communicate opportunities and deadlines related to the MDHHS and University of Michigan Master Agreement and is for faculty and research administrators at U-M. Request to be on this list by writing [email protected].