Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is federal non-classified information (i.e. information the federal government creates or possesses, or that an entity creates or possesses for or on behalf of the government) that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls compliant with law, regulations, and government-wide policies.
The federal CUI Program is a government-wide approach to creating a uniform set of requirements and information security controls directed at securing sensitive government information.
- Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
- ITS Advanced Research Computing Secure Enclave Services (SES) U-M controlled computing environment for the hosting and analysis of CUI and/or other restricted research data.
- National Archives Website on Controlled Unclassified Information Link to the agency that oversees the federal CUI Program. This website contains the CUI Registry, links to policies, guidelines, and more.
Cooperative Agreement
A cooperative agreement is a funding mechanism, like a grant, except there is substantial programmatic involvement with the sponsor. In a cooperative agreement, the sponsor participates more closely in project activities, often working side-by-side with the grantee. Whereas, in a grant, the federal government provides oversight and monitoring but is not directly involved in the project.
Also, see signature authority and contract or agreement.
Community of Science
Cost Accounting Standards
CAS. Cost Accounting Standards. Specific rules promulgated by the federal government to achieve consistent accounting practices for sponsored projects. See 48 § CFR 9905.501, 9905.502, 9905.505, and 9905.506.
Cost Sharing
Cost sharing is the quantified financial and non-financial support contributed by U-M to sponsored projects beyond the amount provided by the sponsor.
The general practice of U-M is to provide cost sharing only when required by the sponsor and only to the extent necessary to meet the sponsor's specific requirements.
CSCAR (Center For Statistical Consultation and Research)
Center For Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR). U-M unit that offers an integrated, comprehensive statistical consulting service, covering all aspects of a quantitative research project ranging from the initial study design through to the presentation of the final research conclusions. CSCAR provides help not only with statistics but also with software and high-performance computing (HPC) solutions. A service and research unit of the University of Michigan, administratively located in the Office of Research. Its staff provides statistical services to faculty, primary researchers, graduate students, and staff of the University. See http://www.cscar.research.umich.edu.
Clinical Trial Routing Form
Current and Pending Support (see Other Support)
Curriculum Vitae
A platform of technological and human support for advanced, integrated computation and information resources in the service of research and learning. The Office of Advanced Research Computing works to advance CI at U-M. See http://arc.research.umich.edu/.
Doing Business As
Department Budget Earnings
Drug Enforcement Administration
DFARS (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement)
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement
Department of Health and Human Services
Direct Costs
Direct Costs are costs that can be specifically contributed to a particular research project, departmental research, or institutional activity (including instructional activity), e.g., salaries, lab animals, GSRA tuition.
Direct vs. Prime Sponsor
- A Direct sponsor is the entity from which U-M directly receives project funding. All sponsored projects have at least one direct sponsor.
- A Prime sponsor is the entity with the original source of the project funds, if it's not the Direct sponsor. Often the Prime sponsor is indicated as the "Subcontract" or "SubK" as shown in the example below.
- Ex: Health and Human Services, Department of-National Institutes of Health-Subcontracts 895800
Tip: In the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system, there are assigned sponsor codes for U.S. Federal Entities, which differ if Direct or Prime.
A rule of thumb is to follow the direct sponsor unless there's a prime. With a University, though, follow the Prime.
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Department of Justice
Also see Just Grants and our Sponsor Specific Resources page.