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Policies & Procedures
In this web channel, we feature policies and procedures on this page to the extent that they apply to research administration and/or research projects. If additional governance is required beyond ORSP, or if resources are available, we'll point you to them.
Cost Sharing
- Confidential Research and Investment Information Act (CRIIA) and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- Data Use Agreements
- Data Sharing
- External Audit Cost Advisory for Non-Federal Sponsors
- External Funding and Information Security Requirements
- Federal Research Terms & Conditions
- Hardships / Advance Accounts
- Indirect Cost Rates
- Information Security
- Facilities & Administrative / Indirect Cost Rates
- Mandatory Disclosures Policy
- Openness in Research & Publication Restrictions
- ORSP Response Time Goals
- Sharing - NIH Public Access
- Sharing - Research Data
- Sharing - Research Tools & Biomaterials
- Standard Agreements & Templates
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Unfunded Agreement Types
- Uniform Guidance
- UG Monitored Costs (Was A-21)