Research Integrity
Parent term for federal, state, and university policies regarding responsible conduct of research, including policy and procedures relating to research misconduct
- 5 Ways Supervisors Can Promote Research Integrity Office of Research Integrity (ORI) infographic. Download and post in your unit or use as part of your unit's RCR training.
- Defining the Role of Author and Contributors ICMJE guideance that describes the importance of authorship and defines the basis for authorship and non-author contributors.
- Department of Defense Research Integrity and Misconduct (PDF download, 2016)
- Department of Energy Includes a defintion of research misconduct under federal policy and links to policies and procedures
- Department of Labor Scientific Integrity: Statement of Policy (PDF, 2013)
- Guidelines for Authorship and Avoiding Authorship Disputes (PDF) U-M Office of Research (UMOR) guidance that supplements the university's "Policy Statement on the Integrity of Scholarhsip," SPG 303.03
- Montreal Statement on Research Integrity (PDF) Outlines the responsibilities of individuals and institutions when collaborating in cross-boundary research; builds upon the responsibilities defined in the Singapore Statement.
- NSF RCR Resources National Science Foundation web page with links to policy, FAQs, etc. regarding responsible conduct of research training for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers supported by NSF funds to conduct research.
- ORI: List of Federal Misconduct Policies The Public Health Service (PHS) Office of Research Integrity (ORI) maintains a list of links to the research misconduct policies for the following agencies: Health and Human Services (HHS), which includes PHS; National Science Foundation (NSF); Department of Transportation (DOT); Department of Veterans Affairs; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- Policy Statement on the Integrity of Scholarship and Procedures for Investigating Allegations of Misconduct in the Pursuit of Scholarship and Research SPG 303.03. Includes a full description of the major types of misconduct activity and each step in U-M's scholarship and research misconduct procedures
- Procedures for Investigating Allegations of Misconduct in the Pursuit of Scholarship and Research under SPG 303.03 Defines research misconduct and other violations of research integrity per the University's Integrity of Scholarship and Research policy (SPG 303.03) and outlines the review and investigation processes the University follows to evaluate an allegation of research misconduct. Last Updated: 10/06/2020
- Singapore Statement on Research Integrity Webiste outlining research integrity principles and responsibilities for the international research community; designed to foster global research integrity.
Research Subject Fees
Human subjects often are paid a fee for their participation in research projects. Protocols for the use of human beings in research, teaching, or testing are reviewed and approved, according to federal, state and university policies. (See: Human Research Protection Program). For payment policies and details on paying subjects, see Standard Practice Guide 501.7-1. Also see the University's Human Subject Incentive Program (HSIP) at http://www.finance.umich.edu/treasury/hsip or email [email protected].
See also: Human Subjects Incentives Program (HSIP).
Request for Application
Request for Information
Request for Proposal
Request for Quote
Reduction in Force
Routine/Commercial Testing
Routine or commercial testing is a type of "Other Sponsored Activity." It generally involves repetitive, quantitative, non-experimental measurements under physically controlled conditions for which the data produced are expected to be within a pre-determined range of values or of reproducibility. University researchers may choose to conduct some testing if certain conditions apply.
Radiation Policy Committee
RPC (Research Policies Committee)
Research Policies Committee. A subcommittee of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs that advises the U-M Office of Research (UMOR).
Research Performance Progress Report. Electronic system used by NIH and other federal agencies to submit annual, final, or interim progress reports documenting a grantee recipient's accomplishments and compliance with the terms of an award.
- NIH's Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Guide A link to the current NIH and Other PHS Agency Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Instruction Guide, and other instructional resources.
- RPPRs at U-M
- Sponsor-Specific Resources