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Tools & Resources
In this website section, we provide an aggregated list of links of tools and resources contained within this website.
- A to Z Index
- Award/Proposal Data (SAW)
- FAQs
- Forms
- Blue Pages: Find an RA
- Frequently Required Documents and Proposal Data
- Getting Started Overview
- Gifts, Grant & Agreements
- News & Communications
- NIH eRA Commons
- Navigate: Professional Development and Training
- RA Toolkit
- Sponsor-Specific Resources
- Types of Agreements
- Working with Ironclad
References and Resources
- Sponsored Awards on the Web Data Resources for Research Administration Community to search for sponsored proposals and awards (eRPM)
- Online Access Request System (OARS) for Business Ojbects Gain access to Business Objects through OARs. Use the RS02 Proposal Management Universe.
- ITS eResearch Datasets
- Proposal States Status Values