O&M: Operations and Maintenance Costs
Office of Contract Administration
Original Equipment Manufacturer. A term used often by the Procurement, especially in reference to service or upgrades of equipment.
Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Office of Financial Management
Office of Human Research Compliance Review
Office of International Science & Engineering
OLAW: Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
OLAW: Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Naval Research. See: http://www.onr.navy.mil/.
Office of Research Compliance Review. ORCR audits non-financial research activity compliance components of U-M investigator-led studies, with an emphasis on human subjects studies and the U-M Human Research Protections Program.
For details, see the ORCR website.
- Electronic Human Research Documentation Certification Guidance (PDF) Outlines the procedure for creating, naming, certifyng and storing electronic copies of human research documentation as required by U-M, FDA, and other reserch sponsor polices, and provides a Certified Copy coversheet template. Last updated: 06/06/2022
- SOP 101 Routine Reviews Outlines the processes and procedures that the Office of Research Compliance Review (ORCR) follows to conduct a routine review of a U-M human subjects research project.
- SOP 102 For-Cause Reviews Outlines the processes and procedures that the Office of Research Compliance Review (ORCR) follows to conduct a for-cause review of a U-M human subjects research project.
Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI)
An OCI occurs when a University investigator, due to their work on behalf of a U.S. governmental agency, might bias judgment in a proposal for, or the conduct of, research by another investigator at the University and, therefore, provide the institution with an unfair competitive advantage on sponsored research opportunities.
- OCI Avoidance Plan Template (Download) Word template, including standard U-M text, to document information about U-M's program for training, disclosure, review, and reporting of Organizational Conflicts of Interest (OCI) to be used when a sponsor requires OCI disclosure as part of a funding proposal. Last updated: October 2021
ORSP Intranet
Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Other Sponsored Activity
Other Sponsored Activity refers to programs or projects that involve the performance of work conducted under other than research or instruction. See also Class Codes and Definitions for Sponsored Awards. At U-M these could include:
Other Support or Current & Pending (glossary definition)
Many federal agencies have some variation of a requirement to report other sources of support during the proposal submission, award negotiation, and/or in the progress report. It assures the funding agency that (1) it is not providing overlapping funds for work that is supported by another source, (2) that all resources available in support of the individual’s research are being reported regardless of whether it is received directly by the individual or through the institution, and (3) the participating personnel have sufficient time available to conduct the work that the agency will be funding. Any activity conducted within the scope of an Investigator’s appointment that provides funding or requires a commitment of time must be reported. Commitments are regular obligations of time whether the Investigator receives salary support from the funding agency or not.
Office of Technology Transfer
Outside Interest Disclosure
A report of an individual's "outside interests" (i.e., personal, professional, commercial, and/or financial activities, interests, or relationships) with an entity/organization external to the University of Michigan. Outside interest disclosures are to be made at least annually per U-M, State of Michigan, and federal research policies. At U-M, outside interests are reported using the M-Inform system.
- 4 Key Steps to Disclose in M-Inform Describes and illustrates the four key actions disclosers need to do within M-Inform to successfully submit their outside activity disclosures. (PDF) Last updated: 03/07/2024
- M-Inform Disclosure Questions (Sample) [PDF] Sample of the M-Inform disclosure form as of 01/20/2025, displaying all the pages, questions and conditional sub-questions one may see when reporting a new outside activity. Use this resource to become oriented to M-Inform. DO NOT use to submit disclosure information. Last updated 01/09/2025.
- Maintaining Department Information in M-Inform Instructions to assign M-Inform roles (e.g., unit reviewers of outside activities disclosures for the unit, division, department, or an individual) and send M-Inform reminder emails to disclose to individuals. (ITS) Last Updated: 06/29/20.
- Non-UM Affiliate Financial Interests Disclosure Form
- Outside Activity Disclosure Guidance Lists the types of activities, relationships, and interests that investigators at the University of Michigan should and should not disclose as an outside interest in M-Inform. Last Updated: 06/11/2024
- Prepare/Update a Disclosure for Another in M-Inform M-Inform instructions for proxies (i.e., unit assistants) to data enter outside activity disclosures for another U-M discloser. (ITS) Last updated: 06/13/23.
- Review an Outside Interest Disclosure in M-Inform M-Inform instructions to review outside activity disclosures on behalf of the discloser's U-M unit, division, or department. (ITS) Last Updated: 04/12/23.
- Reviewer Demonstration Video demonstration with audio of the Unit Reviewer Action Center in M-Inform, including the Reviewer workspace, tabs, and functions (e.g., approve/return a disclosure, send reminder emails) (5:02). Last updated: 06/25/2020.
- Start-Up Tipsheet for U-M Employees Approval and disclosure tips for U-M employees thinking of starting or joining a start-up company. (PDF) Last updated 04/10/2023
- Submit an Outside Interest Disclosure in M-Inform Instructions to add a new oustide activity disclosure to M-Inform, edit previous disclosures, remove outside activity disclosures, and restore previously inactive outside activity disclosures. (ITS) Last Updated: 06/22/23.
- Submit Information for a Research Initiated Certification Instructions for a discloser to answer a series of follow-up questions regarding an outside interest disclosure from a COI Office using M-Inform.
The former name of the Office of the Vice President for Research. The current name is the U-M Office of Research (UMOR). UMOR has primary responsibility for research policy, oversight of responsible conduct of research education and compliance, and oversight of administration and support of research activity by the faculty. See: http://research.umich.edu/umor/.